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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Tank

    How did the fishing go today? Next time you go I would love to go with you. Just Connie was upset and wanted me to stay home. I was pretty disappointed not to get to go with you. But anyway hope you got some good keepers see ya Wednesday afternoon.

  2. Its cool thank you for the help.
  3. Last summer just past the dam there at the park there is a bunch of rocks with like a 4ft drop off. I would throw a little chartruese tube jig. I would catch alot of goggle eye. This summer I have not done much fishing down there yet on account the rain and weather. Last summer when it was warmer I would go down to the park at 7am and stand on those concrete spots. I would throw a super spook down the bunk and run the bank and caught a couple large mouth and small mouths. Don't know what they weighed but I did measure them one was 15inch and the other 16inch. Hope this helps I am gonna hit the Finely again this year will keep posting where I go and what I catch.
  4. I have recently been fishing on Springfield lake for catfish. On May the 8th I went out early in the morning at 4am and fished with livers off the bottom until 6am. I caught 3 flatheads it was pretty cold that morning around 43 deg and there was thick fog out. I was fishing on the dock that is directly below 65. I keep catching smaller flatheads. I went catfishing again last night from 12am to 230am and did not get any cats. I caught one 8 inch crappie off of a swimming minnow jig. And a friend of mine caught a perch off of a liver on the bottom. Was wondering if anyone had any idea how to target the bigger catfish. What kind of rig I should be using and so forth. I am new at catfishing so I am just trying different things to see what works. Thank you for any info.
  5. going fishing on springfield lake tonight.

  6. Me and some friends are planning on taking a all night fishing trip from the bank on stockton. Looking to catch some catfish and crappie. Was wondering if anyone have any good advise about where to go. Also what kind of rigging we should use? Have had some good luck with fishing from the bottom on Lake springfield with livers.
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