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Everything posted by JCWolfe

  1. We fished starting above the kiddie pool and down river. Big pool above kiddie pool has been a bust for me right now with the dirty water. I thought the water looked even dirtier than the last time I was there. My friend Jason doesnt fly fish much because of lack of patience but did when the spinning gear failed and I was catching on the fly rod. He did catch a 15" channel cat on a plug but that was it. He did manage around 20 bows which was his best day on the fly rod.
  2. It was nice to not have to fish in triple digits for a change. Bad news is the water is still dirty but temperature was good where I was fishing. 66 degrees around 3:30. Had a decent day and my buddy Jason had his best day on the fly rod. He doesn't have patience for fly fishing so I would let him fish the good spots after I caught a couple and I would move on. Who knows when the water will clear up, tactics will change when that happens.
  3. Kiddie pool is up river from the parking lot where you were at. There is a line of rocks on the upstream side. Big pool area is above the line of rocks. Both areas are good fishing spots but the big pool hasn't been as good for me with the heat. Message me next time you go, maybe we can meet up and I could help you out with your "new" waters.
  4. Water is probably a lot warmer down river. It cools down when they generate but I would stay where you fished for now. Was the water still dirty or has it cleared up some? Those places you listed are much better when it's not so hot like now. I haven't been down in over two weeks.
  5. That's a trip to remember.
  6. Water is still dirty looking, doesn't seem any better yet. Fished today with the catch being sporadic, catch one or two then nothing for awhile then a few again. Places that were normally loaded with fish still had some but not like a couple of weeks ago. I'm wondering if they are still stocking fish with the temperatures being high? It was still a good day fishing bringing 28 to hand and losing several fish. I checked the water temp and it was around 64 degrees, not bad.
  7. My Simms G4Z's I have don't leak and my son in laws Redington waders don't leak. Those are the only 2 brands I can comment on. I like that zipper when nature calls. No more taking off the vest and undoing everything. Unzip, unbuckle belt, take care of business.
  8. Thanks for the link. Hopefully something permanent can be done.
  9. I'm from WV and try to get back there once a year. They have a very nice river there and I have to fish it, be a fool to miss out.My other chosen states are because it's a regional thing, I live in Oklahoma now. I'm sure they're better places but I'll probably never get to experience them except thru other peoples pictures.
  10. I've only trout fished 4 states, West Virginia, Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma and would put them in that order as my favorites.
  11. Poor fish downstream, I checked yesterday at one point and had a reading of 68 where I was at, upstream from the gauge.
  12. I was there yesterday fishing behind the island and the trees below the kiddie pool. I left at 7. You were probably the one above the kiddie pool with the fly rod that I saw. I had an excellent day, my biggest fish was a smallmouth sucker, for weight. Longest was a few rainbows that were 16 and a channel cat that was 16". I hooked something that just took off and broke my line, I knew it was big but never saw it. Dirty water hasn't been a problem. I got there as the water was dropping, fishing was slow for awhile. I was glad to see they ran some water with the temps being so high.
  13. I fished the 17th and 18th and it was dirty. Had two days of excellent fishing. Fished today,26th, it was still dirty but had another excellent day fishing.
  14. I hope the stream gauge is wrong, i'm looking at the corp of engineers site for flows and water temp. I might come tomorrow afternoon for awhile. I'm the only guy wearing a camo WV hat so if you see me introduce yourself. Nice fish.
  15. Anyone fish today? Been watching the stream gauge and see water temp has hit 75 degrees around 3 pm. Just curious if anyone has seen a bunch of floating troat yet.
  16. I haven't been to those other areas yet to see the changes, I've fished all of those . \
  17. I was hoping to gain more fishable areas. Only one that I know of now.
  18. Where did you fish? I fished the first parking lot after turning off the main road. I haven't seen Watts yet or anywhere down river.
  19. Had 2 days of good fishing friday and saturday. Biggest was the above 20" rainbow. Most were the 12-14" variety but several were around 15-16". Definitely was glad to be back on the LIR.
  20. You probably saw the info page, at left,under profile picture, click on wall. That's what I did.
  21. Good wade fishing at both places. LI River is blown out right now. LMF is farther away for me but I go every now and then. Had a good day back in early May.
  22. At the rate it's dropping maybe in the next couple of weeks it will be fishable. LMF is a long drive and the White is not wadable. Roaring river is okay but big crowds make me not want to drive 2.5 hours. Thanks for the river update, I'll keep checking to see what you say.
  23. I know this is an old thread but have to add to it. I use cold water scuba diving gloves. 3mm has been the best for me and it does take getting use to to tie on flies. Since finding them that is what I always will use having tried many pairs of gloves. Once on, the gloves stay on till I quit fishing. They make them in several different thicknesses, 5mm is way too heavy to fish with, you lose dexterity. I know because I bought a pair to try, nice and warm but too heavy. JCW
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