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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by JCWolfe

  1. Bugs were bad, get some bug spray.
  2. Only a couple of people around where I fished, had my best day ever today.
  3. I'm thinking no on the 5 days if they're wanting to get it to 632. Maybe we will get lucky and they will shut it down before 632 but I doubt it.
  4. Haven't seen the water but did catch fish in the chocolate milk last year, adapt and overcome.
  5. They're slowing down the cfs water release. It was in the 3900cfs range when I checked it earlier. And I was thinking at the rate they were releasing maybe there would be wadable water within a week. Let down again.
  6. At the rate they were releasing it's going to take forever to get around 632. Checking the numbers yesterday it is now in the 7500 cfs range, up from 3500 cfs. Unless we get another major flood maybe we will be fishing again in a few weeks.
  7. They were releasing water from where they normally release, no flood gates were opened on spillway. Water was up on spillway and down to the water release point though. Fishing was tough that day. I landed two lost a few and had some fish rising to my dry. Saw Bwo's coming off the water and a few march browns. Black caddis came on pretty good when the rain stopped around 3 pm. Still enjoyed myself fishing in the rain, no one around.
  8. I knew what you meant, just being a smart ***
  9. You lost a lot of flies
  10. Someone said on TU's facebook that they were fixing something. I guess if thats the case when the continuous flow starts we will know it's fixed. I'm hoping it's what Daddy o said.
  11. I hope this is the case. They didn't follow the shedule the other day, showing generation for most of it, and they didn't generate for most of it. I'm actually surprised the non stop around the clock flow hasn't begun. Maybe we will get to fish instead of waiting a month. I guess we will see.
  12. With the rain that was forecast and the oppotunity to go, we got to fish almost 4 hours before the blew the horn to release. Windy for sure. Did see some rising but not many bugs, I'm guessing the wind had something to do with that. I saw one mayfly come off the water. Fish were caught mainly on midges and micro jigs, a few were taken on a dry fly as well. My daughter also got her first fish on a march brown dry. It was her fourth time out fly fishing. I hope the lake and river doesn't get blown out but am thinking it is going to happen like last year so I hope you all got to fish this weekend because it will probably be a couple of months. Going to fish in the rain today at LMF. I'm hoping that place doesn't get destroyed like a couple of years ago because of all the rain. Definitely watching the water levels.
  13. Got to the parking lot right as they blew the horn to shut the water down. Geared up while the water was dropping and walked over for a look, the green moss or whatever it is, is taking over. Big difference in a couple of weeks since I was last there. Son in laws brother, who has never flyfished, was with us. A little midge activity was going on so it was midges we tied on. Kind of slow with a fish here and there but fishing got better as the day went on. I was trying a few different midges but have found a certain few always work better. No more color experimenting. Later in the day we started seeing more march browns so eventually it was a march brown dry only with all three of us getting hookups and misses. I usually go with the dry/dropper combo but in really mossy places I took of the dropper, some places I left it on at about 8". It was a good day for all three of us, but catching the fish on the dry was the best. Midges, pheasant tail nymph and march brown dry was what worked for us. Nice coloring and spots made this a picture worthy fish.
  14. We caught some cutbows on our last trip to the Norfolk. I've caught a few wild rainbows in WV that have the fin markings you are describing
  15. What a great trip, glad you didn't take the spinning gear and you had wadable water.
  16. I would take yout spinning gear as well. Last time we hit the Norfolk it was non stop generation. I caught some on flies but caught many on rapala crankbaits. Rainbow, Brooke trout, Gold black, Silver black patterns caught fish. We used the sinking rapalas. Good luck and post a report so we can be jealous.
  17. That is a good looking fly, I'll have to go find Michaels or see if Hobby lobby has that. I'm also going to start using a march brown on my dry/dropper since seeing those march browns last weekend. I tied a few midges last night and am thinking the rootbeer midge flash might be good with the right thread under it. I used light cahill under a couple but think it might be to goldish looking. Olive and blue dun might be good. I guess the fish will let me know.
  18. Maybe the brown bugger looks like an emerging march brown nymph. Did you see any mayflies?
  19. Lot of rising most of the day. Midging mainly but there was for awhile, where I fished, mayflies. I don't know what type of mayfly and am guessing march brown, so if anyone knows do tell. Caught trout on several different color midges, but a couple of those being better than others. Also used some pheasant tail nymphs with success. I wish I had a better camera to carry while fishing because I picked out of the water a half emerged mayfly. I set it on a rock and he wiggled out of his old skin and sat there, very cool to see up close. Also picked a few discarded mayfly shucks out of the water and examined them. Not counting the tail they were around 3/4" long. I'm thinking size 10,12,14. would work. I believe i was using a size 12 or 14, not sure without looking at it again. My daughter went with me again for her 3rd time and caught 15 today, she was happy to get that many. I probably lost that many but brought to hand 21, so it was a good day today.
  20. Tired arms I bet, nice trip.
  21. I put a drop of glue on before I whip finish and after. Maybe it's overkill but some of those commercial tied flies I've bought fall apart to quick. I want mine to last longer.
  22. If you're bait fishing on bottom with weight go. Fly fishing is limited to the edges and there are only a couple of spots that are worth fishing in my opinion when the water is up.
  23. I'm guessing your wrapping the crystal flash like the thread, what color crystal flash? Sounds interesting.
  24. More patience required but I'm with you on that one, I've never tried anything bigger than an size 18 midge might have to tie a few 16"s. The wind was killer yesterday and made that dry dropper combo hard to cast in certain areas.
  25. With all the midge activity recently, including today, got me wondering what is everyones go to midge, type and size? I've personally caught more fish with a black zebra midge and rusty brown colored zebra midge. Sizes 18 and 20. Daughter caught a few and missed several on a rusty brown today and I caught several on the black today. Nothing big but cool to watch that dry fly go under.
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