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Everything posted by JCWolfe

  1. This has been the case the last couple of times I have went. I like it better when you can use one fly all day
  2. I see the next month meeting has the fly tying thing going on, I'd like to go to that.
  3. They didn't follow it today. I kind of figured they wouldn't due to rain. Glad I went yesterday.
  4. Witnessed something very cool today. Someone posted in an earlier post that they saw what they thought were mayflies. Today as I was fishing I did see those mayflies, don't know what type though. This guy was fluttering in one spot about 15" above the water when from underneath a rainbow shoots straight up out of the water coming up just a couple of inches short from snatching him out of the air. I thought that was great to see. Day started off slow for me as I was trying out some flies I had tied. I caught one fish on each of the three flies I had tied. I didn't think that was too good but did stick with them for awhile. Lot of rising today so after my flies failed I went to to the dry/dropper combo and started hooking up. Lost a few flies, hook set to hard at first, then a flopping fish broke me off and took my fly. Missed several but did manage 21 for the day. Not my worst day and far from my best day. The LIR can spoil you on how easy it can be at times but for me today it was about the quality of the fishing. Targeting fish, then getting them or have a chance at getting them gives me more satisfaction then catching one after another. This was my first time out this year and definitely isn't the last.
  5. Check out USGS, I'm sure you could tell if there was a release by looking at the graphs from the stream gauges on those rivers.
  6. Gore landing has a place for parking a camper, pop-up or whatever you call it.
  7. OWD put a 1000 bigger fish in the river in June. Biggest I caught was a 20" bow. My son in law and I caught a lot of bigger than average stockers in June but they are all probably dead with the fish kill we had in September. The biggest I've caught since stocking was restarted in November is 15". Maybe we will get lucky and they will stock some more big fish.
  8. The water temps haven't varied too much. Go or you will never know.
  9. I've been wondering about the really low water release when they are not generating, this is The response I got. Coe still has some issues with their sluice gate and don't want to risk it sticking open again if they try to move it. We met with the COE and agreed that during this time of the year that we could leave the gates like they are and would likely avoid any major issues. The bigger issue is that we would be conserving water and bigger yet would be able to demonstrate to SWPA later that we did all we could by getting by on less during the non critical months but they need to step up during the critical summer months and help. Jim Burroughs E.C. Region Fisheries Supervisor 9097 N. 34th St. W. Porter, OK. 74454 918/683-1031
  10. I kind of doubt there were many takes on the surface. Those guys were smart to fish it the way they did. I'm guessing the event was till lunch being you went to Watts? Depending on work I might see if I can get down during the week to fish. Thanks for the update.
  11. That spot does hold a lot of fish but thats not it. I didn't know they supplied the fly. I happened to be there last year when, I believe it was one fly, was going on. With low water that fly from last year would have been good. Good idea trimming the cdc. Was it an olive, gray or a brownish color? Sounds like fun but I hate crowds.
  12. I think it will be crowded this weekend, I'm staying away. I know where you could catch the most but I'm not telling, someone will already be fishing there with registration starting at 8. Post an update and let us know how it went. What is your one fly or is it a secret? It would be hard for me to pick between two that are working good now.
  13. I got an email and clicked on it. Sales outlet.http://www.orvis.com/store/product.aspx?pf_id=80RA&dir_id=1137&group_id=1157&cat_id=13350&subcat_id=13351
  14. I was checking out orvis's sale and thought I would pass this along, 2 pack of leaders with a spool of tippet for $7.20. This was the mirage flourocarbon so I got a couple in 5x. Tax,shipping and 2 packs was $21.62. 4 leaders and 2 spools of tippet, I think it was a good deal.
  15. Im on their facebook page only, I saw your name on there.
  16. You had to be one of the fortunate ones to get a "pocket" of fish. Too many people. I'm the kind of fisherman that would fish that pocket but would move on so others could get in on some of the action as well. Not everyone is like that as I saw. I only went because my daughter had never fly fished before so I wanted her to experience that. I would have never went on that day myself knowing it was going to be crowded. My daughter brought to hand 5 and had several misses. We never got into one of those pockets of fish but managed some. My son in law had 11 and I got 9 so it was an okay day. I enjoyed getting to see my daughter fish, I'll have my days when I get to concentrate more on fishing. My daughters first fly fishing trout, i was looking elsewhere when she hooked up.
  17. Crowded with the warm weather. Bring on the cold to drive away the fair weather fisherman.
  18. Makes you wonder if thats an accidental brown or did they intentionally stock some browns. I haven't got one out of the fish I've caught so far.
  19. They followed the schedule today but didn't yesterday, I know I went yesterday.
  20. I don't baitfish very much anymore. If I was bobber fishing it would be hook, split shot then bobber. Adjusting split shot and bobber as needed. If I was fishing on bottom for trout it would be hook, split shot then a slide sinker above that. Adjusting split shot up or down as needed. When you put on split shot loop it thru again before you pinch, this will help keep it from sliding. Your line will be going thru your split shot twice. Use removable split shot so it will be easier to adjust. I never had tangling problem and can't say why you are without seeing you cast. Maybe too much on your line, I don't know.
  21. My first upgrade was a TFO reel. The drag always came loose. It is a backup now, I have 2 allen fly reels and 1 orvis. nothing wrong with those.
  22. Whole bunch of Rainbows, and a stick.
  23. They followed the release schedule on monday. Watts is a little different in that the channel is wider in areas down closer to the red zone. Water clarity has went from a few inches to a couple of feet now. LOTS of fish in the river now, I won't say what I caught because you won't believe me anyhow. Catching fish now in a few other areas that wasn't producing when the water clarity was way off. I'd say go fish and hopefully they follow the schedule.
  24. First time back at the LIR since before the fish kill. Water is green not dirt brown anymore and you can actually see the bottom in many places. Fishing was good with everyone around catching something. I didn't fish much as I was helping a newbie with fly fishing today, casting wasn't so great but who does there first time fly fishing. My goal was to get him where he could cast and get some action. He caught nine and lost several so I was glad to help him catch his first trout on a fly rod. They didn't follow the release schedule either but there was a few hours of good fishing. Almost back to normal.
  25. Who knows what the deal is with the releases. It's like we are being punished for wanting water and now it's hard to get in any fishing. I thought we were going to get 75 cfs of water during non generation times. Going to try and get in a few hours tomorrow, hopefully they follow the schedule so we can get those few hours.
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