Me and a friend left a vehicle there a few weeks back. Everytime I have been there there has at some point been a sheriff or two. I wouldn't worry about it too much, but I would definitely leave it in the open and close to the highway.
The first half of the float your looking at small water and a fair amount of dragging, especially if you want to fish. The second half has some much better/bigger water but not much in the way of current, so it got to be a lot of paddling for us. Plus there was one tree, IDK if it is still there, but blocking the river that was pretty deep on both sides with not much bank space to work with at all. We just pushed our kayaks over and climbed over, but it was nearly chest deep on both sides for me, and i'm 6' 3".
I did catch a few fish, and it was fun, but it wasn't anything to rant and rave about, it all looks to be pretty hard hit water.