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Quillback last won the day on October 25

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About Quillback

  • Birthday 10/06/1957

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    Bella Vista, AR

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  1. Do they have a reason for the decline? Overfishing? Loss of spawning habitat? Blue cats?
  2. The Weekly Vista has a story about how the name Lost Bridge came about and here's a summary: The folks living in the Garfield area wanted a more direct route to Eureka Springs, a bridge was proposed by the county to be built at Fishtrap Ford in Fishtrap Hollow. A contract was awarded for a Tennessee contracting company to build an arched cement bridge, 318 feet long, 16 feet wide and 40 feet above the river. The Tenn. company won with a bid of $24,125. Work was started in June of 1929, material were brought to Garfield by train and hauled on a narrow wagon road to the bridge site. The bridge was completed in October 1929. When the bridge was completed there was not funding available to build a road to it, so it became the "Lost Bridge". The bridge opened in 1934 once funding had been found to build the approaches to the bridge. On May 7, 1943 heavy rain caused the White river to flood, a log jam and flood waters caused the bridge to collapse. A low water crossing was built in the aftermath of the bridge collapse and was in use up until the time the site was flooded by the rising water of Beaver Lake in 1964. Pic of the completed bridge, in it you can see the approaches have not been completed: Low water bridge, to the left is the washed out bridge:
  3. The TV weather guesser was very confident we will receive significant rain next week. I've been enjoying this warm fall weather, but apparently the fish don't like it.
  4. I thought Pete was the expert on turning a "Business" trip into a fishing trip, but JF is giving him some serious competition. 😃 Looks like fun, I bet those browns you caught are not stockers.
  5. It was tough for sure. On my way home on HWY 90 about 15 miles west of Washburn, there was a brushfire going, could see the smoke from 20 miles away. Couple of fire trucks on the road, but don't know if they could get back to where that fire was. It is so dry out there. Those old hayfields that haven't been cut back in a few years are just full of dry fuel for a fire.
  6. I have not been to Indian Creek in a few weeks, it was tough last time I was there. Need some cold weather. Always cool to see the eagles!
  7. Never have caught a drum on a crank. That would be fun.
  8. I'm always curious about place names, so I googled "Aux Vases". "Aux vases" is a French phrase that translates to "with mud" or "river with miry places" in English. It was the original name of Auxvasse Creek, a tributary of the Mississippi River, which was named by French explorers. The name refers to the quicksand and soggy conditions around the creek, especially at crossings.
  9. Kept a sturgeon form the Columbia river. Got home late that night, put the sturgeon in a big cooler with ice with plans to clean it the next day. it was still alive the next day. Not barely alive either. Last one I ever kept; they aren't that good as far as eating.
  10. Just looked at the 10 day - 70's and 80's though the 27th, no rain in sight. We could use some rain, but if it's not going to happen, I can live witjh this weather. 75 right now without a cloud in the sky.
  11. Fished 2 days in a row, something I usually don't do when fishing Table Rock with the one-hour drive added to the fishing time, it makes for a couple of long days. Yesterday the fishing was pretty good, so with a similar weather forecast I thought today would fish just as well, but it did not. Caught 17 yesterday, with 4 keepers, but just 8 today with only one keeper. A 7/16 oz finesse jig made by the Dutch Manufacturing Company, Republic MO, was my best bait with a few on a 3.3 Keitech and a few on the c-rigged craw. Fish are up shallow, chasing little one inch shad and small craws. I can't catch anything deeper that about 10 feet. Very little top water activity. Even with the frosty mornings the water temp is hanging in there at 71.
  12. Enjoyed fishing today. There's a spot where the road out of Big M intersects with HWY 86. It's on top of a ridge and on a day like today with low humidity you can see way off into the distance. Neat view.
  13. This may have been the story I remember: Truck Kills 11 Elk On I-90 -- Ten Cows, Calf Run Into Tractor- Trailer Rig West Of Cle Elum | The Seattle Times
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