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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. That's too bad that it came on bait. I'd LOVE to see a fish of that size, regardless of how much it weighs chase a fly down and inhale it. But once they get that big I don't know how much active hunting they could really do.
  2. I've got four completely finished up, and the back halves to four more done. I think some monster browns are going to fall to these flies. BTW, anyone see the picture of the MASSIVE brown that came out of the white recently, was it on the fly?
  3. Size 2's are perfect. That's a killer looking fly too, I'd never heard of it so I looked it up, That looks like a swinging fly if i've every seen one.
  4. The 20th works perfectly fine for me. I know 5 more days to wait wont kill anyone but it can make all the difference to keep a swap from going over time. Brian, Get on those e-mails. With a name like the "detonator" it just HAS to catch fish
  5. Brian, Clear atleast a message from your PM box so I can shoot my address over to you.
  6. Jason R. There is a lot to tie with those qualities. Look at Nick Granatos stuff, the chubby muffin sculpin comes to mind as well as the samsquatch. Just a couple of patterns. Since we are past the Sign up date really, lets get these knocked out boys and go catch some big browns. Brian, Thanks, great now I need to go get a new 8 wt. to throw that fly. Lord knows my, pretty much medium 8 wt. BP sticks aren't going to throw it real well. Thanks, Jeez
  7. One of the guys rowing kind of looked like zac brown, while zac brown band was playing, or maybe it was just the beard. Either way I liked it, awesome video!
  8. I have a few done, need to get a few more things to finish them up after pay day. Pm me when your flies are done.
  9. I figured one for each participant. So I would tie, One for every member in the swap including yourself. That way Whe I mail them out everyone gets the same package, and you will just get one of your own Flies. Jason R. I think that would probably be ok. The due date isn't til Aug 15th, so you have plenty of time, just under a month. Remember, whenever your flies are done PM me and i'll send you my address. Mail your flies in a crush proof container and a few dollars for postage OR a folded up self addressed and stamped envelope. BTW, RFD, That fly is awesome!
  10. It's not that far, still I'd rather stay in town then drive all the way down into branson, and potentially fight that traffic if I could help it. Other than backcountry though, I don't think there are any others.
  11. Do you prefer a brush with stiff bristles or very soft ones. For your flies, strictly speaking. Actually I'd never seen that and really like the idea. Atleast it wasnt a Dora brush!
  12. Ruthead, Your in! I finished my first pair of flies tonight. Well on my way to having them done way ahead of schedule.
  13. Starting to get closer to the cutoff date. Come on guys and go ahead and just join this. I guarantee you'll be getting some sweet flies out of the deal.
  14. That thing is SWEET. I like that it looks like it may actually be castable on a 6 wt. I need to go get some laser dub colors and try some out. I think a black and green would just be dirty at night.
  15. Dylan, Your In!
  16. either or, both would be shiny and have th esame effect.
  17. I hope so! Tell your friends everyone!
  18. Her voice is the greatest! That was awesome! "IT'S A SHARK! IT'S A SHARK! IT'S A BIGASS SHARK!!" Hahahahahaha
  19. It's been slow this year for me to, last year, even after the flood we did pretty well, I've had a good night or two but have been catching less fish. This is fishing further down to, I've been having to cover a lot more water to be finding some fish.
  20. If they just hit the tail you wont hook them. period. But i typically strip set with a lift of the wrist when fishing streamers.
  21. Fishing was pretty slow. Caught 8 fish in about two hours of fishing. 6 Rainbows and my first ever two browns. There just doesn't seem to be a large concentration of fish up top there below the dam. This year has been slow and I haven't been seeing a lot of fish even below the outlets, but alot of the fish that I have caught this year have been slightly larger. Most fish took small leeches, one took a white rabbit leech, and I caught a fish on a Meal Ticket, and another good 18-20 Male rainbow on a white circus peanut. All the females I caught last night were SUPER fat, and about half the males I caught got a bit too happy that I had caught them if you catch my drift. never seen it this time of year. Good Luck to everyone out there. There seem to be a good number of stocker - 15 inch browns up there.
  22. YAAAAAAY! Brian I'll put it down in ink... err type. Edit: Last night the white circus peanut caught a good male rainbow on taney. It's fishing well.
  23. I'll be tying this fly in white instead of yellow for me.
  24. That's a great looking fly!
  25. I'll go ahead and throw him on the list Brian. I really do enjoy swaps and like to see the variety you can get from them. I finished up two in the last month for another site and have gotten some seriously awesome flies out of the deal.
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