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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. I don't see any conceivable way how the guy could get let off on "self-defense." If it is like a lot of the stories are saying I think the guy is going to go away for a long time. I'm not optimistic that it will particularly change floating laws unfortunately, there are SOO many landowners across the state would fight this, and out of everyone that uses our rivers I think there would only be a select few that would really voice their stance. Your casual weekend floater is probably not going to know, or fight for stream access laws.
  2. I agree, things just aren't always as simple as that. Like mentioned a few posts ago, either in this thread or the other one about this topic. There is always THAT guy that can't be restrained and it takes the proper authorities to put him down. http://fox2now.com/2013/07/21/one-dead-following-float-trip-fight/ If you read the comments supposedly some of the people were there and the thought of an altercation is being talked up more than what really happened. All hearsay but just some food for thought.
  3. Seems to me like he could have just been trying to stop the guy from shooting someone so they could have time to get off the gravel bar.
  4. I understand everyone saying that they should have high tailed it out of there when he fired warning shots... and he should have. One of the posted articles somewhere said that his wife's cousin had picked up a rock and he stepped between them, it sounds dumb but it could have been as simple as him trying to diffuse the situation even a little bit enough for them to get off the gravel bar. He knows that if the guy throws the rock he has in his hand someone is definitely getting shot. Plain and simple. "Hey man, we are getting out of here. Let me grab this guy and we are gone." It may have been as simple as him trying to say that so they could be able to leave. I just haven't read anything from any of the papers that he was belligerent drunk or the one throwing rocks.is he completely innocent in the situation, maybe not.
  5. RFD bringing the goods!
  6. I made some a few years back. Just get a few 2 1/2 gallon buckets. Cut the rims off so you can't snag on the lips of the bucket. Fill it with quickrete and stick some different sizes of pvc pipes in of varying lengths.
  7. Call me dumb then. I'd rather deal with the wake instead of having boaters go flying up the river weaving in and out of canoes and rafts. That 3 ft. wake make a dumped canoe a lot easier to deal with than someone getting hit by a boat flying up river and not seeing someone floating along behind a canoe or raft.
  8. OK, no one threw out any objections, so September sixth is the deadline. I think everyone has participated in a swap so I don't think details are necessary, if you want some.. PM me. I'll shoot out my address in a couple weeks for everyone.
  9. Oh there definitely were fish there, and some good ones at that. I just meant that I think there is good floatable water that has similar fishing with less places to have to drag. I know my best smallie of the day was around the 14 inch mark and I caught a couple of those. There was a bridge where there looked like what might have been a path to get a kayak down (there were people hanging out and fishing) that would have been a much shorter float, about half. and we didn't have to get out and drag a single time after. It looked to be a lot more fishable water but we were running out of time and paddled through almost all of it.
  10. Me and a friend left a vehicle there a few weeks back. Everytime I have been there there has at some point been a sheriff or two. I wouldn't worry about it too much, but I would definitely leave it in the open and close to the highway. The first half of the float your looking at small water and a fair amount of dragging, especially if you want to fish. The second half has some much better/bigger water but not much in the way of current, so it got to be a lot of paddling for us. Plus there was one tree, IDK if it is still there, but blocking the river that was pretty deep on both sides with not much bank space to work with at all. We just pushed our kayaks over and climbed over, but it was nearly chest deep on both sides for me, and i'm 6' 3". I did catch a few fish, and it was fun, but it wasn't anything to rant and rave about, it all looks to be pretty hard hit water.
  11. Your in! Should we go ahead and discuss a deadline? I'm thinking that if everyone can have their flies to me no later than Friday September Sixth, they will be back in the mail and and received for fishing the next weekend? Do you guys want to include a sticker from your local fly shop (one) and get one from some other shop in return?
  12. Double deceiver for me.
  13. I know exactly the board then, I didn't know if it was you from over there until I remembered that swap horror story. It was good back in the day but has gone substantially down hill, and every topic is pretty much one that has been covered times already. @ stl fisher if you can find a spare couple hours across the next month or two you can knock out some good flies for this. Geoff, Schmidt has some good stuff, I know I'm doing one of his!
  14. Geoff your in. I like to think last summer's swap went pretty well, and no one hates me too much from it, at least not enough to swap again. Btw, was the swap with the used fly over on a national board?
  15. Bump. Come on guys and fill up a few more spots!
  16. Dude, that thing is sweet.
  17. I toured the boulevard factory in December and got to try a ton of their stuff including some that ont get released to the public. If you can find the love child from the smoke stack series.... Get it. Beer aged in whiskey barrels, real real good.
  18. I know everyone here can tie. I just want to point out The streamer/Browntrout swap happening up under the fly recipe section. Jump on in, it proved for some awesome flies last year! And a lot of them could be used for smallmouth too. Just a thought.
  19. And this was on Mikes articulated sculpin.
  20. I'm beginning to have the usual swap anxiety about what to tie. I keep having to tell myself Double Deceivers with be more than acceptable but then Brian goes out and films a cool fly and I want that. I'm undecided on colors. I may have a mixture flowing in for this.
  21. There are dumbell eyes under there, but I glued the big ones on over the top. They got a little lost when I crosswrapped my dubbing brush, and I just liked the look of the bigger eyes. Once I worked the air out of the marabou when the fly sank, even with the heavy dumbell eyes up front it fell very flat, and darted good. I just think with as much water gets pushed by that head it slows the sink rate of the head down and lets it fall on a line instead of the jigging like you said. I was not a fan of how heavily dressed this, and granatos stuff in general is, but now that I have actually tied it up and seen it wet, I can't wait to actually fish it.
  22. Your right it does get a lot skinnier after getting wet, It took a dunk in the fish tank. to A bit different colored one too...
  23. Ok, now that is just sick. But it is entirely too clean.
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