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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. Flies went out this morning. should be everywhere in the next day or two!
  2. DaddyO, I have fished some articulated stuff at night. I have had some success this summer on it, especiallly on circus peanuts. I also had a monster smash and missed hook up on a mufasa at the very beginning of summer at night. At night I don't do a whole lot of stripping flies unless its just back to me. I swing pretty much all of my flies and the ones that present a "jiggy" motion have caught more fish for me this summer. I have caught less fish than if I was fishing smaller flies in the 8-12 range but ALL of them have been decent fish, the smallest of which was a chunky 16 incher, and a male rainbow that had to be a solid 23 or so, one of those fish that actually got put on the reel.
  3. Flies WILL BE going out on monday! Quote it. I apologize if this is later than some people want, doing what I can to get this wrapped up as fast as I can.
  4. I'll try and start the packaging of them tonight watching the game on DVR. I went from to my normal 20 hr. a week schedule plus classes to having a day shorter (monday) and probably going to put in close to fifty. Im not making excuses but so you guys don't get too worried, I'm working on it.
  5. I was view # 15 on youtube. Definition. of. awesome. I like the zoomed in view too, and quality is astounding. Plus it's a super cool, albeit time consuming fly.
  6. Got OB's first set, or one of them in this evening. I'll try to get them out as soon as possible because I know fish are going to start moving. This is just not a good week conducive to getting these done but i'll seriously work on it. I"ll post when the flies go out.
  7. Eh, end of next week at worst case scenario, OB if we get both sets i'll hook you up, if one comes in after I ship everyones out i'll send the set back your way!
  8. As soon as I get OB's in i'll get them out when I can. If they come in today, then I will TRY to get them out tomorrow. If they come in tomorrow, they will go out sometime next week FOR SURE.
  9. We used to have some family friends that had a house about a 30 minute float from the MO/AR border. There are infact small mouth down there an a lot of them, I also saw what was probably a 5-6 pound largemouth get pulled out of a small little depression that gave a break from the current. Very pretty area!
  10. Brian's are in, just waiting on one more set!
  11. There are always some there, but the big ones move, for example I caught two at night about a month ago, last July another forum member I fish withcaght a thirty incher at night.
  12. If someone can I'd like that also, the only camera I have is on my phone, Brian or someone else that can take some pictures of these awesome flies when they get them?
  13. I'd like to not see this thread die after everyone gets theirs. Once we get 'em we should, if we get pictures post upp pictures of fish we caught on the flies. Dylan never told us what he was tying, and boy oh boy do I think you guys will e surprised. It's way cool and I may be tying some like it in the future!
  14. Dylan's Flies came in today. Waiting on two more sets that are in the mail and i'll have them out as quick as I can after that.
  15. Sounds Good guys i'd prefer to wait until all of the sets come in but there is no reason for this to stretch out too far. We are looking good from here on out though.
  16. Jason, Your flies came in today, starting to get closer!
  17. your not the only one Brian, I'm still waiting on a few sets of flies. If those who haven't sent them yet don't hop on here in the next day or two I will start sending PM's and figure out if they will be finishing the flies, or if we should ship without them. Thanks for the Patience guys!
  18. bullys bluegill spider.
  19. Good stuff as usual Brian, I really like the black and red one you show in the intro.
  20. Starting to get close to the deadline, if you haven't, get your flies finished up and in the mail! Ruthead and RFD's flies have come in, these are looking really good. Just over halfway there and getting closer every day. The trouser trout even takes notice when I walk past the kitchen table now, and that's sayin something, he tends to like his flies all sexy like
  21. Mike, Got your flies, They are awesome guys!
  22. I have a goal to catch a fish on everyone of these flies... And o think it should be pretty easy with the flies I'm seeing!
  23. Dude, I like that... A lot! Thats just a fishy looking mofo!
  24. What kind of rope were you using. I know a place on the ozarks where they are EVERYWHERE that I fish pretty frequently when I make it up that way, but I can't ever get a hook stuck in one. I had a deciever nearly torn up by gar this past weekend.
  25. Dude, the thing is a work of art. I have it pinned to the wall in my tying corner. She shant be fished unless I ever make a trip over to your homewaters and toss her where she was born and raised.
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