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Kip Scott

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Everything posted by Kip Scott

  1. Kip Scott


    I haven't had a lot of luck on walleyes. Have caught lots of shorts this past month and early this month. Have yet to get a limit of keepers. I like to troll with a trolling plate on my motor and move around when I am not getting strikes. Have had my best luck with bottom bouncers using a fire orange and chartreuse "clown" spinner and chartruese and orange indiana blade spinners. All of these spinner baits with nightcrawlers. They have been hitting rather light so you have to pay attention or else you will be pulling a spinner with no worm...lol. Hopefully with the water temp going down and a little more chop on the water the eyes will become more aggressive. I hope some of this helps. Good luck to you. I think I will down there this weekend too. If you see an old green and cream Princecraft with a 70 horse Johnson give me a holler.......
  2. Thanks for the article posting. Its always good to learn the eating patterns of the primary forage in the lake you're fishing.
  3. Well I finally got my legs healed up and took out my new(used) Princecraft to see what was biting on Stockton. First time seriously fishing the lake. Put in at the little ramp in the State Park about 5pm and cruised over to the west side and worked mostly around the B7 sign south of Hawker. Trolled nightcrawlers on bottom bouncers and clown spinners. Had lots of hits and lost quite a few nightcrawlers, so I pinched them off, leaving less worm and whammo. Caught seven walleyes in about an hour....all shorts. Also caught what I think was a white bass and several big sun fish. Caught the walleys in 15-20ft of water. However, as soon as the wind switched to the NE everything stopped. By that time it nearing sunset and time for this old man to get off the lake. Had a great day. Now all I have to do is find some walleyes big enough to fry :-) Good luck to all of you anglers and stay safe!
  4. Thanks so much for the info. As soon as I get my legs back, I'll be out there and I will sure let you all know what kind of luck I had.
  5. Thanks a lot for the info. This will help. I will still probably fumble around but at least I will know the general direction in which I should be fumbling! haha
  6. I just moved down here from South Dakota and am really impressed with this website and attitudes expressed by the contributors. Since I only live about 40 miles from Stockton, It looks like I will be fishing there. I haven't fished crappies since I was a little kid with my grandpa. Have fished walleyes out on the Missouri River resevoirs and prairie lakes most of my life. I am curious. When reading posts, I see references made to CC and the "flats". Could anyone give me an idea where those are? I have to get some surgery out of the way and then I will be able to start fishing again. So if you see an old guy, with an old Princecraft 16 footer, give me a wave or a holler. I will probably be fishing during the week, since I don't have much patience with jet skis and slob boaters. Good luck to all of you who put out a line!
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