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Everything posted by cpcunningham

  1. Awesome report! I just read your post or I would have given you some tips for Hazel Creek, but you did good enough my advice may not have helped you much! I've fished it for muskies quite a bit the last two years. I caught a 33" and a 35" there this morning but being by myself, I don't have any cool pics to post like you do. @Addicted to Creeks, Hazel is 480 acres and while that may sound small, its got a lot of open water stretching from north to south and a big south wind will kick up some nasty waves. If feels more like you're on a thousand acre lake. I think I'd try to avoid any days with a southerly wind in a canoe.
  2. Nice Catch! Always like seeing muskie reports!
  3. Missouri has some areas with pretty good catch rates for muskie but not much for size (there are big fish but overall its lacking). I'm not a fly fisherman so I don't know how good Missouri's muskie reservoirs would be for that. I've spent some time muskie fishing rivers in central Tennessee that look like carbon copies of Ozark streams except they're loaded with muskie. Super shallow riffles so we use canoes and kayaks and I know of people fly fishing for them there. That's where I would go to fly fish for muskies.
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