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Everything posted by WettinLine

  1. This site is turning into Facebook for outdoormans, I'm guess there is allot of slap tickle going on in your glittery bass boats.
  2. Yes I have, but if you think this is the first post that went to show n not sell
  3. Agreed but the endless rant is kind of annoying, or the post of someone telling you what they have, but they don't want to sell it, that kind of bs.
  4. I guess I'm confused about this forum, I was thinking that you post an item or wtb an item and others reply with stuff related to the original post. Guess I was wrong, its more like Facebook or show n tell, with giggles, lols, and lmao!
  5. I think you guys like viewing your own posts, it must be the southerness in "youal", but I guess I'm guilty of reading it.
  6. I'm glad you can reply online, because I think your phone broke
  7. It was a great experience, but it didn't answer allot of questions. I guess getting out and testing some bird watchers techniques will be my best option.
  8. This isn't Craigslist!! A Prius really does it come with a four pack of wine coolers and an Ed Hardy T-shirt?
  9. I just got signed up for the Guide for a Day, I think that will help a bunch. Thanks everyone
  10. Looking to outfit an entire lake house, and I really don't want put too much of my own stuff in, I like my stuff at home. Does anyone have old fish mounts or small mammals that are inexpensive and are willing to part with? I like the vintage crusty stuff so if you have other stuff that might be lake house worthy let me know.
  11. Let me start off by saying I've never fished Pomme, or even seen the lake so be gentle. I just looking for everyones throw down on fishing Musky, I looking for slight tips on locations and habits during the fall casting bite. I think taking one of the few great guides would be benefical but with boat payments and other bills I'm just going swing for the fence and see what happens over a weekend.
  12. Thank you Duck, it runs like a top!
  13. Love that gear buying, keeping keeping the industry strong! I hope we all have kia vehicles pulling theses fine pieces of equipment
  14. I buy powerades solo, I don't want the free one, it takes up too much room in my yeti! I just bought some line that was over priced because it was made in America but union works who bitch about Oprah. You Obama lovin southerners can hail to the North
  15. I'll relax when the war is won. I need a motor for the Trinity
  16. I'm using the elite stuff, based on price! Its Egyptian horse hair braided around rare sheep intestine.
  17. I think you forgot commercializing your ride with product stickers! I know understand why the south lost the war, they are too busy valuing status and clever catch lines.
  18. No its all the cross talk, I guess some people like to see their written words. The others like to tell you what they have but no price or info on the item.
  19. I'm starting to think this b/s/t selection is for people who like to tell others what they have and don't want to sell anything. So here goes, I have 10 pairs of jeans, three jackets, a rabbit in my backyard, oh and my mom had four birdhouses but now she has three.
  20. Hey duck how do I get a hold of you?
  21. Looking for canoe motor, 2 hp - 5 hp, I'm not looking to spend allot becasue i won't use it allot. If anyone has a little outboard that they are looking to sell let me know.
  22. WettinLine


    Just make sure you leave your name attached to it! Happy jugging
  23. WettinLine


    I think is bs leaving jugs in main channels overnight, there is no way to see them and if I run one over (not on purpose) I hope it tagged with your personal information (to make it legal). The issue I have with it destructive, the line will wrap around a prop jacking up the seal, and believe me I'll be at your door and you'll get your 7Up bottle back!! I have no issues with jugging, I jug, but keep them out main boat paths be respectful, people already think its barely a step up from littering. Would you run trotlines across the James on March 15, or plant trees in the middle of boat ramps?
  24. Is this true for all big fish?
  25. They are OK but be prepared to get in one, it not for everyone.
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