Amen! A deep teeny, wee, mini, super or maxi R will put the hurt on them especially when the water is a little cooler and the crankbait bite is just starting.
I just bought a green phantom and it has a good knocking sound. I'm more disappointed in the lame colors of the Rock Crawler than anything else. I'm ready to paint a few with the old wiggle wart styling.
Thanks for the offer!! I really appreciate that! I think I'm going to go ahead and purchase one and try it out. I found them on Amazon for $149.00 and free shipping. I'm thinking if I like it I will buy two and mount one transducer on my trolling motor and one transducer in the bilge. I'm just wondering how good the sonar image is and if you can see your line while drop shotting? sonarphone&qid=1445262442&ref_=sr_1_2&sr=8-2
I don't really know. I'm just wishful thinking. Just as soon as I buy the down scan model they are guaranteed to come out with side scan the moment the 30 day return policy expires. The navionics split screen feature is awesome for both vexilar and Ray marine.
The hummingbird and lowrance thread got me to thinking more about trying vexilar and Ray marine and using an iPad which comes out with a 12 inch screen in November. A lifeproof case and locking ram mount would be a great setup. Only negatives I can think of might be glare, overheating and not being able to network. Thoughts? If Ray marine adds side scan with it's current down scan I know I'm pulling the trigger.
From all the pictures I saw and from his interview he said he was throwing the color Loon. If I was going to pick two colors it would be Powder and Loon.
I've caught more on the drop shot this summer than I ever have before. The key for me has been knowing what active fish look like on the graph and only fishing a spot when I find those conditions. The fish seem to tell you really fast if they want to play.