Haven't night fished for years. But, the way we used to do it, when the limit was 30. We would put in at Rock Road about midnight, troll down the lake on the west side, hang a gas latern in a submerged tree that is sticking out of the water. Go back to shore, have a sandwich, a drink and tell fish stories for about an hour. Head back out to the latern, drop your jig head with a minnow on it, start bringing in the crappie. If you run out of minnows, take your bare hook, jerk it through the ball of shad that has gathered under the light to eat the bugs that are flying around the light. Then, once you snag a shad, drop your hook back down, catch a crappie, retrieve and start all over again. Then the three of us, now with 90 keepers in the boat would head back home to start the 2 hour process of cleaning them. Lots of fun!