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Hogs on the Fly

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Everything posted by Hogs on the Fly

  1. Phil, temps below the dam reached 67 the other day. Hasn't slowed the bite too bad but takes a few minutes to revive the fish. That fish pictured above was only out of the water for 6 seconds or so and swam away shortly thereafter. Ham, that fish had over a dozen lamprey sores on the other side. It's had a tough life no doubt.
  2. Big browns on the Norfork lately!
  3. Spent many of the past guide trips on the Norfork on minimum flow and rising water. Although some reports I've read suggest that the lake is turning over and the DO is low, I can assure you that is not the case. Midge fishing is stellar in both riffles and pools... patience is required but rewarded! http://www.hogsonthefly.com
  4. sold the first set. the pole cat 9' with the shallow cut blades are still available. 870.321.2792
  5. Greetings! I have two (2) sets of Sawyer oars for a drift boat or river boat outfitted with oar locks. The first set are Sawyer Dynelite shoal cuts. Carbon fiber shaft/blade and counter balanced. One piece. Never been in the water. Retails for $660 before shipping but I'm negotiable on price. The second set are Sawyer Polecat shafts with shoal cut blades. Two piece composite with carbon fiber blade. Retails for $560 but negotialbe. Both sets are located in Mountain Home. For more information call Larry @ 870.321.2792 Best!
  6. Check out Brian Crumpler's and partners new FF mag online!! http://www.joomag.co...981001367594223 Best! Larry Babin www.hogsonthefly.com
  7. Check out Brian Crumpler's and partners new FF mag online!! http://www.joomag.com/magazine/revive-a-quarterly-fly-fishing-journal-volume/0493981001367594223 Best! Larry Babin www.hogsonthefly.com
  8. Fished the confluence to Redd's yesterday. This can be good streamer water given the right circumstances i.e. high water and overcast skies. We only had on of the two, high water, to work with. Lots of limestone ledges and drop offs. In most cases, we're more productive streamer fishing than nymphing. It's not uncommon to pick up a few smallies along the way.
  9. You should contact Dominic at Two Rivers Fly Shop. He has a connection that is between the Norfork confluence and Red's landing which may fit your bill. His #870.499.3060. Best, LB
  10. Greetings OA nation. Just added a fishing report to the site... Go to www.hogsonthefly.com and click the fishing report tab. Best, LB
  11. Really enjoyed it Jeff! Great to see everybody and put a few faces to names! Best! LB
  12. Pic attached. Call with any questions. Will float the river with serious inquiries.
  13. Adipose Drift Boat only 350 lbs galvanized trailer with rollers spare trailer tire canvas cover telescoping seats lean bars spare oar Sawyer 9' oars with carbon fiber shaft/blade and shallow cut blades anchor 65 qt. YETI cooler 10' rod trays rower storage Asking 9K or best offer... Contact Larry @ 870.321.2792
  14. Brian... think red...
  15. Last year we fished hoppers, ants, beetles, etc. through December. Even recently during falling water. The difference between this year and last is higher water versus lower flows but the bigguns are still looking up.
  16. The time is now...
  17. Sorry to hear that Nick. So many variables come into play when being productive on this system. Not sure where you're fishing or techniques, but send me a pm and I'd be happy to assist if possible. Best! LB
  18. Nick, Don't overlook an assortment of scuds between #14-20. Olive, grey, and rust colors. If they ain't eatin' midges, this is what they're eatin'. Best! LB
  19. No problemo homie! Tons of rain the past few days. Hopefully some higher flows in the evenings will start producing some stellar streamer fishing. Browns are getting hungry during this pre-spawn stage! Best!
  20. I can do it as well. Best! Larry Babin 870.321.2792
  21. http://ktlo.com/wire/newstue/05320_Southwest_Airlines_announces_flights_to_Branson_090031.php This is FANTASTIC news! Branson is only a little over an hour's drive time versus the three hour trek from Little Rock or Memphis. To sweeten the deal, let Hogs on the Fly arrange to pick you up and return you to Branson! No rental car needed or directions. Email larry@hogsonthefly.com
  22. Three days and plenty of fish for first time fly fishers! Regardless of flows, fishing is excellent; just have to know where to be and what to throw! Fall should be even better if that's possible. Get your hat on tight! www.hogsonthefly.com
  23. Thanks Daryk! The evening bite is fantastic! Not to mention cooler! Best!
  24. Havin' fun with big foam bugs in a variety of colors on the White. Presentation is everything for the bigguns! Best! LB www.hogsonthefly.com
  25. Great job Col Ron! No excuses!
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