Hi guys, I'm new on here (and fairly new to fishing as well), just joined yesterday and I didn't find this topic brought up yet, so I figured I ask how I can save myself from over-repeating this problem. Basically I've had several times when I got my line tangled around the bobber without realizing it, and then proceeded to cluelessly wait, for a good 20-30 or even more minutes wondering if it pulled that act on me again, or if I'm just not at the right depth, or right place.
My setup is the hook, then on average something like 15 inches of leader line (give or take another 4"), attached to a snap swivel (tied to the bottom of the snap on loop portion of it, with the release portions of the snap swivel squished in with pliers so it doesn't open up and have the line slide off somehow), and then followed by a sinker and two split shots on either side of it some 3-4" up on the main line, and finished off with the bobber (non-slip kind) maybe another 4-6" above it. Now even though it's not the best setup, I have had luck with it, so I'm a bit fond of it and would like to keep it in my limited arsenal of fishing techniques, but I can't quite figure out a method to the madness, seeing how at some configurations of leader line length, sinker/splitshot location from the swivel and bobber there are lower frequencies of tangling while at others they're quite common. Any hints/tips would be appreciated. And cool site you guys have here (I myself have been mostly on the Meramec, so I think it's cool there's a subsection by river/lake).