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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Ive got the black bear and skull listed on here. Pm me and we can talk price if your interested
  2. Mike the idea of adding the veggies to the leftover breading is an awesome idea. I usually waste the remaining but when I told my wife about that idea her reply was, "so were having walleye and hush puppys tonight right!" not in question form either I was told we were having it.
  3. I have a nice Norinko SKS that has a scope and 260 rounds of 7.62x39 and a 40 round clip id like to trade for 2 kayaks for my wife and I. I don't have pics of the sks on my lap top but if you pm me I can text message you pics of it
  4. Thinking about heading down for awhile this afternoon, any locals have a report on water clarity and debris in the channel around kdock?
  5. I have for sale a black bear rug and skull that i killed in 97 for sale. It measures alomst 6' from nose to toes by alittle over 4'6" claw to claw. The skull ahs been english mounted and the mouth can either be proped open or remain closed to sit on a desk or mantel. Asking $3000.00 for all.
  6. Hey ozark im heading down that way this afternoon, what are you useing, if your in that area ill be in a white jeep commander point me in the right direction will ya????
  7. Im in, its such a lond trip down from Ozark!!! What time and where? I had just found this forum last year the day before this event happened so im in.
  8. Beaver Creek on bull shoals. The boat is big enuff but also small enuff to get back up in the creek far enuff to catch alot. I usually leave the boat and walk in and wade it out.
  9. I keep a 30 inch 2 by 12 in the back of my truck just for cleaning fish that I catch at the lake. I also carry it in a bucket with zip lock bags and a scrub brush to clean it all up after I'm done.
  10. I sold this but cant figure out how to remove the post. Thanks Mattie
  11. I have for sale a Stoeger Upland Supreme side by side 12 ga with screw in choke tubes, it shoots 2 3/4 and 3" shells. I bought the gun new for 499$ plus tax, to have as a stand by incase anything ever went wrong in the field.Im asking 375$ for it, ive seen the same gun at a pawn shop last yr he was asking 425$ so i think my price is fair. I live in Ozark but fish Branson so delivery to the dam would not be a problem. Thanks Mattie
  12. I had this dream of hitting the road friday after work, just me my fly rod or rifle and just living the dream!!!!! Then my wife said that was not going to work for her so now for sale is a NEW IN BOX NEVER USED truck bed tent. All specs are on the pic $175. Im in Ozark, could meet you somewhere near a fishing hole within 50 miles. This would also be great for the upcomeing deer season.
  13. Thanks Justin, im a walleye fisherman normally so these little flies are killing me to learn, get me on big water with a 1 1/2 oz bottom bouncer and a crawler harness and its on but I figure with all the awesome aeras this state has to offer and these tasty little trout im gonna learn.
  14. I want to go fish the area accross from the Rockbridge hatchery but I want to make sure I know all the rules for the area and the state fishing handbook works great if youve lived here all your life and know where all the bridges are but i moved to this state in december so im lost. Like I said i just would like to know what area that is so I know if it is a blue or a red or if "anything goes" and I can bring the kids that cant use a fly rod, size limits, fish limits blah blah blah, I dont want to break the rules, thanks in advance and if anyone would like to give me alitlle help on fly selection that would be appriciated too, I just started fly fishing 4 months ago and my wife has gone twice we both suck but we suck together and we will figure this out eventually!!!!
  15. ok noted boat stays in the slip, thanks for all the input hope to make it down in the next week or two sounds like ill kick the cash and rent a boat, alot cheaper than fixing mine thanks guys.
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