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Gary Lange

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Everything posted by Gary Lange

  1. I really feel that those proposals if adopted will make a big improvement in the Smallmouth Fishing for the areas that it covers. The Southwestern Missouri Alliance will need to address some of the fishing in the creeks, streams and rivers in its area and make some recommendations to the Blue Ribbon Panel. I however need to find out what rivers, streams and creeks we have in the Southwestern Missouri section. I hope we get a good turnout for the 1st Meeting so I can learn a little about the area waters.
  2. I really don't think BPS or Cabela's have a manufacturing facility anywhere that makes the products that the sell. With that said somebody is making these products to BPS and Cabela's spec's. The basiclly means they could be the same product with a different name attached to them. Look at the Carbonlite Reel and then The Abu Garcia Revo STX. They appear to me to be basiclly the same reel with slight differences. I personally have had very good luck with the Pro Qualifier Spinning Reels and the Bionic Baitcaster Plus reels.
  3. Eric, My good friend Norm mostly fishes the Kankakee River which is very close to his home. I have fished numerous times with him and finer fisherman and a finer person would be hard to find.
  4. They suckered me in also! On Feb. 28, 2006 during my first year down here it was 83 degrees and has gone down hill ever since. Norm is a lovable old Yankee.
  5. I went Friday and planned to get the Carbonlite 7' Medium Action casting rod and matching Carbonlite reel but the had no reels. If you get the two as a combo you save $40.00 and I am all into saving $40.00.
  6. I think we need to band together and make a very large group with a big voice for Smallmouth Bass and all its Subspecies. Everyone here in there own way believes in the same basic principle and that is protecting and improving the Habitat of the Smallmouth Bass.
  7. Come out see what it is all about and give us a chance. If we get enough people from out that way no reason why they can get together and have a meeting themselves once a month. All they need is place to meet that is free of course and then set up a meeting. I look forward to any and all who are interested in becoming a member to come to the meeting and see what we are all about. I am just getting my feet wet in this so it is a learning experience for me also. However, we need a voice in how our favorite fish and it's habitat is taken care of and the larger we are the bigger the voice. I would like to see the SWMSA Chapter become as well respected as the MSA Chapter is in St. Louis, Mo. and the Southeastern Missouri Smallmouth Alliance Chapter is down in the boot heel.
  8. Your voice counts Tom even from four hours away. The larger the group the bigger the voice.
  9. Norm "Creekyknees" Minas you old dog you. Folks this guy is one of the finest River Fisherman you would ever want to meet. Then again you might be a littl scared meet a guy that looks like this.
  10. You guys that have lived down here are just beating me up. I will have to do some studying I guess and learn a little more about this area. I never claimed to be an expert on Smallmouth Bass or any Bass for that matter. I just stepped up to give the MSA a hand on getting a chapter started down in this section of Missouri. I have a lot to learn I guess but for now I am going fishing.
  11. Andy, It is up to the MDC to do whatever it can to protect the Native Smallmouths. The MSA will work with the MDC in whatever capacity it can to assist them in this endeavor. The Spotted Bass was introduced into those streams some 50 years ago so management will be difficult. Then also if Global warming is what it is the streams will warm and loose the Smallmouths which need cooler water. Andy, Also the MSA is and all volunteer organization which is funded by membership and fund raising events such as the Bronzeback Bash that is taking place in Kirkwood, Mo. on March 13, 2010. It is pretty much member funded and any work that gets done is done by members who volunteer to do the work such as the cleanups and the work done by Stream Team 509. The Southwestern Chapter was started by a desire for an MSA Chapter in Springfield, Mo. It didn't take any money all it took was people like myself that volunteer to do some work and other joined in. We are already about 8-10 strong and will hopefully grow. The more members the more funds available for projects so we will see what we can get done. Clean ups in area streams doesn't take much but some garbage bags and elbow grease but it helps the environment. It will be and adventure for sure and I hope some young people come on board to carry on the fight or both the Smallmouth and the Trout will suffer at the hands of those that don't care.
  12. I have been using the Seaguar InvizX for about a year now on both Baitcasting and Spinning and have no problems. I have been using a new knot called the Fish n fool and it is very strong and once you learn it is easy to tie. http://blog.lunkerlinks.com/fishing-techniques/fish-n-fool-knot-pt-2/
  13. I am making the drive to the St. Louis area on March 13, 2010 for the MSA's Bronzeback Bash being held in Kirkland, Mo. at the Viking Conference Center 10709 Watson Rd. The cost of this is $30.00 and hopefully some of you guys can still get in. I have room in the big Dodge Ram if anyone wants to go and can still get on the list. They only have room for 100. Contact Steve Harrison at srharrison@charter.net. If he has room so do I.
  14. I need that material for myself and so I can learn about what you have done and what you would like to do so I can tell our new members what the MSA is all about. If we get some long drive members that want to meet out that way somewhere that is cool. Set something up and have some meetings if it isn't the first Thursday of the month I will try to come out also. Depending on how busy I am and if I am in town of course.
  15. Welcome Alberto! You will love the Ozarks and the people also. Married to a nice Italian Girl so I know about that good Italian Food.
  16. I spent the morning looking at places to have meeting and the best that I could do was to get the Nature Center In Springfield, Mo. for The 1st Thursday of the month beginning in April. They are not open or are unavailable other nights. So our first meeting will be April 1, 2010 6:30pm until 9:00pm at the Springfield Nature Center, 4600 S, Chrisman, Springfield, Mo in the Auditorium should have plenty of room so come on out and see what we are all about and lets get this Chapter off the ground and rolling. We will meet at this place the first Thursday of each month clear through December so I don't have to worry about a place to meet. I will try looking for another place later perhaps Bass Pro Shop after they get the renovations done.
  17. Winter is getting long on all the boards I visit. Now I know why I fished year round in the rivers in Illinois. Saved me from being bored and kept me a lot thinner.
  18. I learned this from Trav. Main Entry: nancy boy Part of Speech: n Definition: a homosexual male or an effeminate man; also written nancy-boy, nancy Usage: derogatory slang
  19. I am hoping for the Nature Center in Springfield or maybe Bass Pro Shop.
  20. I hate to admit it Chief but I am a lot more like you then you think I may be. I butted heads with the ISA many times while I was in the inner circle so I had some strong opinions. I have calmed down since retiring and tend to let things slide more now I find it keeps my blood pressure down and I sleep better. Personally I think the MSA needs you as a member because of the way you are. I think the ISA needs some new blood.
  21. Just as a side note. For your Donation to the MSA which counts as your member ship you receive "200 Missouri Smallmouth Adventures" by Chuck Tryon which sells for $19.95 and you also receive The "Bronzeback News" which comes out six times a year with articles on Smallmouth Fishing as well as what the MSA is doing. So it is not like you are not getting anything for your money. Basically you get more back then you put in thanks to MSA member Chuck Tryon's more then generous offer.
  22. We are taking a poll to see which day of the week would be best for you!
  23. Nothing is set in stone so if Monday or Wednesday work for you guys that can be a possibility also. I will have to get a place in mind and see how it works out.
  24. I thank you all for your support of this Chapter of the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance and I certainly appreciate that vote of confidence. I will try to get a handle on a meeting place and get some monthly meetings set up. I prefer a weeknight format so that we may fish the weekends. So with that in mind what day during the week works for the most as I want to get the meeting spot set up for the year. I was thinking like a Thursday evening once a month say the first or second Thursday of the month which would put people together right before the weekend and perhaps hook up to go fishing together. Let me know what you guys feel about this day.
  25. I will welcome with open arms anyone who wishes to attend one of our meetings and will listen to whatever they have to say. The meetings are going to be open but then again making it to several will be looked at differently. Trav. Mentioned the Free membership. The idea of MSA is to further conservation and the Dues collected is used for conservation. Without the dues we have nothing for conservation.
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