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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by tippet7

  1. I work at Carolina Mills as the payroll administrator, five minutes ago I went upstairs to get a coke and saw several bags of marabou feathers. They have 1 bag of black(which I put aside, but will be happy to share) several bags of white, red, chartruse, blue, maroon. Now, they may not be the highest quality, but I figured I would throw this out there. The bags are 5 feet worth of feathers for $5.00!! If anyone wants some, let me know, pm or email me and I will have them put a bag aside.
  2. That is OUTSTANDING!! Good to go for you and Curtis.
  3. Format is 2 member team. There is a time limit on the fishing, and each team fishes a certain strech of water. you can "keep" one fish. That is, once you decide to "keep" the biggest fish you think you will catch for that strech, you record the length of the fish and stop fishing. Then the other member of the team fishes until a fish is recorded or time runs out. The team with the most length wins. also if i am not mistaken, all the flies have to be tied by the team members the night before the compettion. but i may be mistaken about that part. these guys win something like $25,000. so who is putting up the cash? since it was loos idea about the tourny......
  4. I would assume it was. I am thinking it was around May or early June that I caught the little one. I dont think they stock fish that small do they? Also the colors on the fish were pretty bright, even though you cannot tell due to the crappy photo.
  5. Just found this link good pricing http://www.sierratradingpost.com/ just go to the sunglasses page
  6. like a mini fishing tournament? ihave never fished RR before. so in a sense it would be like that for me.
  7. I have a couple pair. My favorite is the Amber colored lenes. I seem to be able to see through the water much better with those then my gray lenses. check out www.overstock.com for some good prices on polarized glasses. Just make sure you spend a couple dollars more and get the holder so they dont fall in the lake like mine have on more then 1 occasion.
  8. At Taneycomo this was the biggest fish I have landed. We have guessed it to be about 9lbs. Caught it below outlet #2 near the overhanging trees. Caught it on 10/30/05 using a #16 gray scud This is the smallest fish I have ever caught on Taneycomo. I caught this beast down below the rebar on a scud. I went to pick up the line to re-cast and felt something. I thought I snagged a leaf or something like that.
  9. Yes Moose they are going to have a dock and test drives available. I dont know the exact regs they will have to comply with (maybe phil knows) but i for one dont like the idea of an already crowded and narrow waterway being further crowded by someone who wants to see how fast a boat with a 225 hp engine can go, or how sharply it will be able to turn. from what i understand there is going to be a dock where regular boaters can tie off and go eat lunch or walkaround the landing. there is going to an awful amount of boat traffic on the lower end and someone is going to end up getting rammed. As far as the guide that tries to swamp wading fishermen, i have said something to him one time and he told me "mind your own F&*^&^#% business. I will get my clients to the fish as fast as possible" I just called him an A-hole and hung up the phone.
  10. Thanks Jeremy! Appreciate the info I will give those a shot.
  11. With Phil getting everyone excited about the lake turning over, anyone have a good shad pattern to share? Thanks
  12. I dont wear makeup! Are you saying that you use a 14lb strand of mono as a leader? Am I reading that right?
  13. It would be great if a certain guide(no names mentioned) would stop blowing past fishermen while they are WADING! Several times I have been down below the boat ramp where it narrows out and one certain guide has to go as fast as possible through a very narrow area. Even my brother who has only fished on Taneycomo for 3 days in his life has mentioned to me that this guide blew past him 2 times!
  14. I am in for a positive maybe. Just depends on my boss and if he will make us work that weekend. Anyone from the Branson area want to carpool, I am up for that. I'll bring the potato salad.
  15. Does anyone know where I can take it, like a salvage yard for boats? Anyone? Bueller...Bueller...Bueller I have a 24 ft 4Winns cuddy cabin with a 260 hp Chevy engine and Mercruiser drive sitting in my driveway with a brand new trailer. It hasnt been out of the driveway since Labor Day of 2004. I have no idea if it runs, its in pretty rough shape, but the trailer is perfect. Mama says either it goes or I go (and I kinda like living with her!) I would be willing to just give the boat away for parts if someone wants to buy the trailer and haul it off my property. $1,000. Please save my relationship
  16. How about just a "general discussion" spot?
  17. Does anyone have any idea where I may be able to find one around here in halfway decent condition?
  18. That makes for a sweet day! What time were you out there?
  19. What fly is going to be covered on Tuesday the 13th?
  20. I assume we would bring our own vise and materials? Scotch and cigars are provided by the host?
  21. How about if we make a promise not to tell anyone else?
  22. I dont have a boat, where is a good place to fish walleyes from the bank? I would assume you could use the same baits? stickbaits, night crawlers, etc?
  23. Over the past 2 years I have bought several flies from Blue Fly Cafe Good pricing, and fast shipping. I did have a little problem with some bass flies I purchased, they were poppers and the eyes fell off. I contacted them and they sent out replacements right away.
  24. I found a spot on Beaver Creek last spring that has worked pretty well for me. I have used crawdad patterns on the fly rod and a buddy used a 3inch black worm rigged wacky style and just tore 'em up! Later in the summer there was hardly any water at all near Brown Branch. I would love to get with someone this spring and fish the James with a fly rod.
  25. I usually use 6/0 danville thread. And I usually use whip about 5 times. I just didnt think I should use glue on every fly. I will try the hard as nails thanks
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