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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by tippet7

  1. you can fish the Big Thompson. also fish the tailwaters just below the dam in Estes park. St Varian(sp) creek holds some nice pockets. if you go into RMNP you can fish all sorts of creeks and ponds. check out Front Range Anglers fishing report
  2. ..so this bookie and a pimp go the river one day. pimp is mad, said they are fishing at the wrong time of the month, the bookie says yeah i got PMS...... thank you..i will be here all week. dont forget to tip your servers........ but on the other hand, the picture of the brookie taking the fly is awesome
  3. Found this on a website called "trash on the fly" a guide from Dallas that only fly fishes for carp. I met him a couple of times and he is good at the crap..i mean carp fishing. Scroll down towards the bottom for a carp fly receipe Carp Fly here is the link to his website Trash on the fly
  4. That is what is so good about the sport of fly fishing, the majority of fly fishers are not only willing to share information, but most times more than willing to share a fly with a stranger! Now secret spots take a bit more work.....
  5. Try this website http://www.flyshopcloseouts.com/
  6. MONGO SAY "BRING MORE FLIES" I think that the fly was effective as long as there was a good current. As soon as the water dropped and the current slowed, the fish stopped hitting it. I even tried a pretty fast strip, but that didnt get anything. Thanks again Leonard, I had fun!
  7. Are you planning on getting out any this week? I could very probably get out tomorrow night(wednesday) or maybe thursday (but not both..you know how that goes) Its bad enough that i took a whole 2 hours on Fathers day and fished down by KOA
  8. You know I-44 is a major corridor for drug traffic. Maybe something fell off a truck and got into their drinking water. Because those people have got to be HIGH to think someone is going to pay $120 to pitch a tent for a 4 person family, god help you if the Waltons ever decided to spend the night there. The front page is very difficult to read with the black on green lettering. They do not even have an email address. This has got to be some sort of joke.
  9. Awesome! I would like to say that you can count on me and my brother booking a trip for this or next year.
  10. a tan g bug type fly (not THE g bug) but my own version of it.
  11. got up at 7 called the dam, zero generators, left the house. first cast was at 755, first fish was at 814. second at 818, third at 820, well you get the idea. first fish was a beautiful 17 inch brown that had two huge chunks taken out of his shoulder. not sure what happened, maybe a prop? fished across and up from outlet 2 and caught all my fish using a tan g bug type fly (not THE g bug) but my own version of it. all the fish caught faught hard and thought they were a lot bigger than they actually are. some of the fish thought they were sail fish, the way they skirted across the water. i had a freakin blast for the 90 mins i spent there this morning. total fish landed was 17, lost was probably 10 or 12. Everyone was hooking up there this morning.
  12. I am very thankful. But I still have to work 2 of them to make up for the one I lost last May! Cuts into my fishing time.
  13. lake level is 916.1 tailwater level is 701.8 stinks that i will be here ALL day
  14. I visited my fathers grave yesterday at the Springfield Veterans Cemetary. RIP and Semper Fi pop. Thanks to my uncles. 1 fought and was wounded in Africa with Pattons tanks. He died of those wounds. Another was a POW in Korea. To this day the only thing he will say about it is "yep, I fought in Korea and was taken by the enemy" His silver & bronze stars say something else that he refuses to tell us and after he has passed, we will open the safe deposit box and find out what he did to earn those medals. Several Marine and Soliders that I have known though the years that have died in OIF and GWOT. RIP, any hopefully they knew that the majority of Americans and the people they fought to liberate are grateful to their service. Hope everyone enjoyed their bbqs, day on the lake, and shopping for bargins.
  15. I got a good chuckle out of that. Good one Zander
  16. where is turtle creek? that looks like a great little creek
  17. tippet7

    Southern Rock

    Marshall Tucker Band The Outlaws
  18. Congrats again Leonard! My phone kept cutting out last night, I will call you later today and finish the conversation.
  19. Photo taken from the new airport, pretty freakin scary looking storm.
  20. if you find a small pool, try using a Senko, black always worked well for me, 4 inch type. also had a good time with a crawdad crank bait. it is a great float. have fun.
  21. I caught fish on sunday using a spinner. it had a white/purple skirt. 1 keeper LM was landed, it was around 3.5lbs, had several other strikes on it as well. we fished on the AR side, near the bluffs, across from the RV park.
  22. A friend of mine has some family in Kentucky that has an alpaca herd. They went down there last week to help sheer them and they brought me back two gallon size baggies of Alpaca hair, or fiber as they call it. It seems like it is failry coarse and would shed water easily. Anyone have any ideas??
  23. Bman, My brother had a Legend Elite and got rid of it, a good friend of mine also has one (4wt) and actually uses it for a back up rod! he likes the action, and feels good, but he thinks his TFO Professional 9ft 4wt casts better. I have not cast the Legend Elite, but I have 5 St Croix rods and my brother has 4 or 5 as well, so for him to tell me he didnt like the way it felt, means for me to get the TFO. My brother bought a TFO 3wt and an Orvis Battenkill reel with the money he got from the St Croix. hope this helps a little john
  24. where is the dairy farm from the park?
  25. I fished Crane on Tuesday and got skunked. It was my first time out there, so I wasnt real sure on where to fish. Started at an MDC site near a bridge. Looked very fishy, but nothing happened. I did however run into a HUGE (not lying either) snake as I was climbing up the bank. It was a grayis/smoke color snake about 3 ft long. Good thing I had wader on, no one saw the pee running down my leg Fished in town at the park. I saw a few trout, but couldnt get anything to bite there either. And once again, a snake was waiting on the bank near the bridge, close to the playground area. I knew this place was snakey in the summer time, but after a couple of bitter cold days and nights, the temps might have been 50 on tuesday..gives me the willies
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