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    Lawrence county

Iandb86's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Giggin is an Ozark tradition. Eating suckers is a Ozark tradition. Granted if you cant tell the difference between a smallie and a sucker you probably shouldn't gig. Learn to identify the difference between the two fish then have fun giggin, if your not sure if its a sucker dont gig it. Same rules apply for hunting if your not sure if its a human or a gobbler dont blast at it like a fool.
  2. I used to take my old minnows, put them in a jar with lid and let em set for a couple days, but that gets a little smelly. Sardines no mess no stink no hassle. I forgot to mention that use oatmeal when its around the house.
  3. Anyone use doughballs? If so, share your recipes and stories (i.e. luck with them). I use one can of pureed sardines mixed with a strawberry jello and little vanilla and onion powder. Mix with 1:1 ratio of cornmeal and flour still its stiff enough.
  4. In the last couple years, I have came across this site a thousand times always leaving with new information. I don't know what took me so long to sign up, but here I am (with all the bells and whistles). Anyway, I am an avid fisher. Grew up in Ash Grove, so stockton and the sac are my stomping grounds. Just bought my first boat a couple weeks ago. I am getting real anxious for whites, caught a few the other day around lynn branch (CC HWY). Cant way to share knowledge with all you guys thanks for the welcomes. B
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