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    Trophy Catfishing Blues, Flatheads.
    Gulf Coast Surf Fishing Reds, Kings, Trout, Shark
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  1. Thought I'd report on my bait search. As I have scouted around Holiday Island and Eureka I haven't located the shad yet. I went to Lake Leatherwood and the little boat ramp and the docks weren't productive. I didn't even see any bluegill under the docks. I have checked Leatherwood creek as it flows into Lake Leatherwood and as it flows into Eureka Springs and haven't seen any shad holding up in the deeper pools. I attempted to scout Black Bass lake in Eureka but the road was still way too icy for my vehicle to attempt, I thought there might be some bluegill in the lake that might be easy to catch on my ultra-light tackle with some meal worms. I plan to go back tomorrow after the snow melts a little more. This morning I tried the ramp, the point, and the old bridge pier at Holiday Island and didn't find em. Maybe after a day of sun they will run back into that cove. I plan to try again tomorrow morning or afternoon. The search continues, I have six days left, I hope to fish by Thursday or Friday. I may also try the Beaver Dam site on the river side. Thanks for all the info and tips!
  2. Thanks fellahs! All that info helps a lot. I fish mostly Lake Lavon and Lake Tawakoni in Texas. It's the same situation this time of year, shad are hard to come by, but there are creeks a few creeks that hold shad from the main lakes. And like bfishin said you gotta watch where you throw and if you don't, then try and explain to the wife why you need another $40 for a new net. LOL. Thanks again, and maybe we can get some sun by next week. I will let ya know if I find any!
  3. I'd be looking for shad that I can catch with my net and then cut it up fresh.
  4. My wife and I are staying on Holiday Island for the next two weeks. I am an avid bank fisherman looking to get out on Beaver Lake for some fishing over the next few days. With the cold weather I wondered if anyone knows where I might locate some quality shad for bait? Also if anyone is crazy enough get out in the cold an fish from the bank send me a message. Any reports on catfish, striper, walleye, trout, or sauger?
  5. I have arrived at Holiday Island for 10 days of fishing. Any advice or clues on where I can get some Shad or Perch for bait? I don't have a boat so I'm thinking I'll have to try the marinas or maybe just throwing my cast net from the shore in some back coves or creeks. Any help would be helpful!
  6. Will do Rangerman! And thanks Strawhat for the info and encouragement! I will let you know how it goes! Looks like the weather this weekend is gonna be good so I am stoked! Can't wait to get out there and explore a new lake.
  7. Fellow Ozark Anglers, Thanks for the info! Sounds like the flatties are abundant and maybe even underfished, except for Rangerman, sounds like you have done some damage! Thanks bro. for the good info and reports. I know December ain't the best flattie time of year, but hopefully I can score some perch's and give it a shot, thanks again!
  8. Ok, gonna be on vacation at Holiday Island area for 10 days. I am a catfish addict from Texas and I fish for Flatheads and Blues on Texas lakes. What are my chances of landing some good sized Flatheads or Blues on Table Rock. In Texas fall and winter are prime times for big Catfish. I have attached a picture of a 23 lb blue I caught last year in December. Any help would be considered a blessing!
  9. Where do you catch the shad like that? I'm gonna be on vacation for next 7 days, staying at a cottage on the White River not far from the Beaver Lake Dam. I am looking to get some shad to do some catfisihg. Is there a spot you know of near the Dam or at the Bridge? ANy info you guys have would be appreciated.
  10. I am new to the forum and new to Beaver Lake. I am going to be vacationing near Beaver for the next 7 days. I am an avid blue cat bank fisherman, I do not have a boat. Any good bank spots on beaver? I heard from a guide that it's better not to fish on the bottom for the blue's in Beaver cause the lake is so deep. Also, where can you throw for shad from the bank? Any info. you guys might have would be appreciated. Also, I'm gonna try my luck at some trout fishing in the White a couple of days. My cabin is located on CR 235 not far from the Dam.
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