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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I have fished walleyes extensively on Lake of the Woods MN. and have concluded that I have caught more and larger walleyes on 4 in. Kalin Lunker Grubs in a watermelon red than any other jig/grub combination. I have lots of pumpkins and similar colors and they don't stand a chance against the watermelon red. The bad news is they don't make the Lunker Grub in watermelon red anymore. They make it in watermelon red flake which is not the same. The watermelon red had a red streak down the sides that walleyes found irresistable. I have called Kalin to see if they would make more and they said no.Their watermelon flake is just not the same. For bass fishing I have found pumpkin and watermelon red both very effective. Match the bottom of the lake to the color of the grub and you usually can't go wrong.
  2. Is this a good time of year to fish walleyes at Stockton? Would they be in their spawn cycle at this time? If so would you be fiishing the main lake near the dam? Thanks!
  3. I am coming down to fish in 10 days. Are the points on the main lake worth fishing for bass and crappie or do you have to fish the south arms for any luck. Thanks!
  4. What is meant by the Cc area? Thanks!
  5. sundevil


    I am heading to Stockton Lake two weeks from Thursday. What impact has the rain had on the lake? Do you think it will help or hurt the fishing? Any areas I should avoid? I am hoping to get my granddaughters on to some bass and crappies. Not sure what the walleyes will be doing. Everything seems to be early this year. Just joined the forum and have enjoyed reading the blogs.
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