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Hatch 82

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    Kansas City
  • Interests
    Fly Fishing, Tying, Family, and Maker's Mark

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Some friends and I have started a fly fishing website: www.themidwestdrift.com, It's a combination of blog and instructional site. There are several original patterns, for several species across the Midwest. We do not discriminate if I'll eat a fly we try to catch it. There is a support the locals page with some good midwest stuff on there, it's all for fun and just trying to add another fishing site to kill some time at work. Check it out it's still a work in progress but it's getting there. Luke
  2. The original comments were necessary to bring up the topic and to see how others feel. I agree there is not a lot of evidence showing how fishing during the spawn impacts a fishery. However a lot of states close their season during the spawn. Leaving them alone and allowing them to do their thing could it make it a better fishery, maybe. I also agree that water levels, water temps, and Mother Nature have a bigger impact on the spawn but those are variables that we have no control over. Any fisherman worth a piss that hasn't spawn raped must have alittle more respect for the fish. I also agree they are not native fish and are game fish that have been stocked to catch but I also like to think they are alittle more special then the trout raised in the concrete chutes and feel they should be conserved. Only a handful of trout in the states are native. I would like to think most anglers follow the regulations that are in place but unfortentially that's not the case, fish crane a few times and you'll find styrofoam worm containers and go to Taneycomo and watch guys rip big rapalas through the hatchery outlets snagging trout. It's not an every time out occurance but have seen it. I would like to see the regulations enforced more but I also don't want to pay more taxes for extra agents. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect their opinion whether I agree or disagree.
  3. What are your thoughts on closing the blue ribbon trout streams to fishing during the spawn? Atleast the small creeks that do not get stocked and rely on reproduction to keep them stocked. Personally I would be for it, my thought is there are plenty of stocked water to fish in the winter while the spawn is going on and the self sustaining streams are few and far between. I love the small creeks and wild trout fishing in Missouri and when I trout fish I mainly fish them. December to middle of February I avoid them and fish a trout park or Taneycomo. It only takes one ignorant fisherman (uneducated to the situation) to do some serious damage to the redds and to decrease the success rate of the spawn. They're a natural resource that like all other natural resources once they're gone they are gone. Just my take on it. Curious to see what others think. Luke
  4. Driftless Area :NE Iowa, SE Minnesota, SW Wisconsin, and just the northern tip of Illinois.
  5. I would try montauk and the current. Especially if you haven't fished it before. I love the driftless area usually fish Wisconsin but their season is closed, Iowa's is still open. But a couple reasons I would avoid DA this time of year: spawn is on, weather, and the steams are not very accommodating for 5 anglers. I'm not a big fan of the trout parks but will fish anywhere I can whenever I can. Out of the bunch montauk feels less like a trout park and you also have the current outside of the park.
  6. Size 12 isn't even that small of the hook, like I posted previously I'll tie down to a 22 on there standard set of jaws. I really think there must be something wrong with your jaws the majority of the flies I tie on my professional are between 12-20 and I think it's the same standard jaws that are on all Dyna kings.
  7. I've tied 2/0 streamers to 22 midges in a kingfisher and not used the midge jaw without problems. Try adjusting it almost as tight as it goes also try putting more of the bend of the hook in the viseand if that doesn't work I'd say you have a defective jaw. I'd give Dyna king a call.
  8. Nice fish that's the kind of rainbow dreams are made of.
  9. http://hatchesmagazine.com/blogs/Hatches/2013/01/23/rylees-cripple-by-lucas-langton/ Here's another link one of my flies works very well at crane and mill creek
  10. Another nice video you put an awesome twist to the fly tying videos for sure. I enjoy watching them every time. I think the most entertaining how to videos out there.
  11. I haven't tried it w/o the hackle. I tied it with the hackle to keep it closer to the original EHC. I'm sure it would work and you could tie them pretty quick by removing the hackle.
  12. You'll like that DynaKing my favorite vises by far.
  13. Here's a caddis pattern I created it has fished well on Crane and in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin. The link is for the recipe on Hatches magazine's web site http://hatchesmagazine.com/blogs/Hatches/2012/12/06/rylees-pullover-caddis-by-lucas-langton/
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