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Nwtf gobbler

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Nwtf gobbler

  1. I didn't get a single bite up there, bass or crappie. Water is still real high and muddy
  2. I was showing between 70.5 and 72.5 in the CC/ Springfield Cove area tonight.
  3. If MDC doesn't think the average fisherman can tell the difference, then maybe they need to put a little more time and money into identification. And along the same lines, it is also our job to be able to identify the species that we catch or shoot(hunting). I don't know the difference in all the types of waterfowl, therefor I don't hunt them. Same logic should be used while fishing.
  4. Thanks for the great report Bob. I'm heading that way this evening to look for some crappie. Springfield cove is the one at CC with the boat docks in it right? That's the area we'll be in so we will keep an eye out. And by the way, my life jacket stays on from the time I launch the boat until I load it.
  5. What are y'alls opinions on fishing after these storms? I have plans to take my wife up there to try and catch some crappie tomorrow evenings. Will this rain shut them down?
  6. Nice mess of fish the zarraspook. I took my 5 year old up to CC last Friday and we caught close to 100 crappie, with 12 good keepers and 2 walleye. By the way, i haven't seen anything from Straw Hat on here. Hope he's alright and still out catching fish.
  7. Bob Bennett or Les Jarmin would both be good guides, however i'd be surprised if they could get you on good whites in June. I'd target crappie or walleye instead
  8. Sorry guys I am out of town for a funeral so I don't have any report for ya. Hopefully I will have one in the next week or two though
  9. Met with Justin Scobee yesterday about 5:00pm and took the ol' v-bottom up to CC to look for a few bass. With all the reports lately we weren't too optimistic, but figured we'd try anyway. Man that water is sure getting low. We were both throwing plastic worms. The bite wasn't quite as good as I am used to, but we ended up catching about 20 between us with 5 keepers. All in all it was a pretty good evening. Got off the water at dark. Water temp was between 86-88 in the spots we fished. Jason
  10. Thats what i am afraid of. I. Just am too lazy to go further north.
  11. My bad, I forgot you said you were at Hawker. I can see that up there. I am going to CC tomorroe so I will see what it is showing there. Guessing 88-90.
  12. 82 degrees? Did this "cold front" really cool it down that much? Wow!
  13. Thanks zarraspook. That is exactly where I thought it was, but I didn't want to say wrong.
  14. I am not sure exactly which bluff it is, but it is about half way between CC and the Roark Bluff area. There are several large bluff walls in that spot so I am not positive which one for sure. Straw Hat can probably tell you a lot better.
  15. I guess he figures since he can't catch fish then he will just shoot at em.
  16. Yep and it makes them awefully easy for others to find. I have found several piles that way
  17. What about gathering trees/ limbs off the banks? Wouldn't that option work too? Thats what we did up there at high point. The limbs we drug out and dropped werenprobably 20 ft long.
  18. Thats my plan. I put in a few in the high point area last winter. That was the first time that i ever tried it. I plan to put at least a dozen or so in this winter. What type of trees have you found work best for crappie? I have heard mixed reviews on cedar trees.
  19. Thanks Whit, i normally let them run with it a little bit before I set the hook and I have gone through a TON of worms the last few tines out. I am definitely thinking something small. I did get both of my birds in the spring. It was a little tough finding enough days to go because we took 4 days around the 2nd weekend to take some of our chapter's youth hunters to Kentucky to hunt. I am definitely ready to get the blacklights out and do some night fishing.
  20. Whit, you can probably help me out. I have been throwing the big worms for a couple weeks now, mainly during the day, and have been getting a lot of the tails bit off. Is this perch/ crappie? And Do I need to go deeper or what?
  21. Good grief thats a lot. No wonder you always catch so darn many crappie.
  22. I know. What was I thinking? Hopefully I didnt stumble across any of your brush piles Straw Hat. Lol.
  23. Straw Hat are you still fishing the CC area or have you moved Somewhere else? I went this morning with my brother in law to try out his new graph, we went up around shaws in the timber and Found lots of crappie but all I had with me was bass stuff. Go figure. Located several new brush piles, or at least looked like it. Next time i will have my ultralights.
  24. That sexy shad crainkbait in the middle bottom row looks awefully familiar. Lol. I lost one of them the other day at Cedar Ridge. The rest probably ALL belonged to fishbait3.
  25. I temember seeing that post too, but I Can't remember who is was either. Oh well, i know Justin is ridin with me from Springfield. Look forward to meeting you and some of The others
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