My opinion is the city or conservation dept is one sided on this issue. It's the dumbest law I have ever heard and I have lived and fished several different states conservation lakes. I live 20 min from the lake and have never fished there because of this law. I would love to go fish there but I have a 35 on my boat. I also have a son who loves to fish and he is 5 yrs old, but it takes over an hour each way to get to another body of water so I rarely get to take him. I am respectful of the motor limits and would not run my big motor if there were motor restrictions like all other conservation lakes. If they made hp restrictions for the lake, the person should still be able to take off their prop and leave the motor trimmed up at all times to ensure the motor was not used.
There were also people saying big boats can go so many other places which there are many other lakes around here. This is the same for kayaks. There are streams and small rivers all over they can go to. We can all share the same water and passion. Because of this law my son will not spend as many days on the water because of this idiotic law. Not to mention a 6hp motor will flip a kayak from the wakes just like a 10 or 20 hp motor. If they are going to restrict motor size there should be an alternate law that allows boats to still fish there even with those motors. I pay my taxes and buy all permits (fishing, hunting, deer hunting, turkey hunting, duck and goose) that fund places like this and I will never get to enjoy them. Makes no sense to me. I guess I can expect for this never to change and I will continue to drive 1-2 hours each way to put a boat in the water to take my son fishing. Its sad that a 5 yr old must learn lessons in life so early about how the world really works.