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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by blue79

  1. my lines are 15-20 feet long and i caught them while they were still drifting so i would say 15-25ft deep.I fish where two little coves meet together.They have rocky banks with mud bottoms.
  2. Nice walleye
  3. Moved around 4 times and finally got 2.Found 3 small bass and i couldnt find any crappie or walleye.Might try again in the morning.
  4. I think i threw out about15 powerade bottles.Wish i woulda got out earlier.
  5. Woke up late and didnt get to my boat till about 4:30am.Got everything loaded up and got out on the water.Lightning and thunder came in quicker than i thought(thought it wasnt gonna be here till about 10).Ended up with 2 channel and 1 blue.Felt like it took more time to load and unload the boat and clean the fish than it did to actually catch the fish.Was back at my slip around 7am.Bait shrimp has been working pretty good.If i dont work tomorrow i might go out early and try some cut shad.
  6. I can honestly say im doing my part.I havent caught a limit on crappie yet this year.My boat sucks in wind and waves.There is 2 adults and 3 teenagers in our house and i have to go out early(4am)and get a couple catfish just so we have enough meat.Can never get enough crappie to fill everyone up.
  7. Got out at 4:30 this morning and ran about 15 jugs and caught zero by 7:00.Started trolling at 7:30 and caught alot of small bass.My girlfriends son caught a 17 inch on a buzzbait.I was using my blue 6inch walleye lure and was catching small bass,and finally started catching the small eyes.Ended up with two 17 inch walleyes.Started to head back and dropped my white crankbait behind the boat and caught a crappie.So i turned around and went back and caught another.Ended up with 6 crappie in that area in about 30 minutes before we had to leave.(6 crappie 2 walleye and 1 bass...)Me and the girlfriend are gonna try it in the morning,but were gonna try jugs,then crappie,then walleye.Would rather get a bunch of crappie real quick and then try to get a walleye or two before all the city folk wake up.Hope its not like last week.Good luck everyone.
  8. Ive been throwing about 10-15 powerade bottles out while i fish for bass and walleye and caught 2 channel yesterday and 2 this morning.No big ones,they were eating size(2-4 pounds).Caught on bait shrimp.Lost one that would take the bottle down for about 10 seconds but by the time i got over to it it got off.Caught a couple soft shell turtles one was as big as a trash can lid.
  9. Thats funny.I wish i would have had my spud gun.It would have made me felt better to sink his boat with a high speed potato,but that would make me worse than him.I was mad last weekend but im over it now.Im down to 2 catfish poles now so i might find a little cove and flood it with 33 juglines at 3 or 4 in the morning and do some spotlighting and jug chasing while all the idiots are sleeping.Good luck this weekend.
  10. Orleans Trail.When i realized there was a number of people over there i just went back to my slip.It takes me about 6 minutes to leave my house and be in my boat.If i would have started something i would probably lose my slip or be laying here still hurting.Wasnt worth it for a junk catfish pole.Gonna just wait and keep my eyes open,summer has just started and ill probably see him again and ill try to catch him by himself in a parking lot somewhere.
  11. First off,i would like to say hi to everyone.Long time reader first time poster.Whenever the lake is busy or its just to windy,i fish off of my slip at the marina.Had one catfish pole in the water and was crappie fishing in the slip behind me when some guy comes in to our slip area with his radio blaring comes within a foot of my boat and swings to turn around and bumps the dock and yanks my pole right out of its holder and was gone.I yelled but he didnt here me.Then i realized my pole was gone so i hopped in the boat and went looking for him.When i got out to the end of the docks i can see he was across the cove cruising around where there was a couple of other boats fishing(guess he had to bother them to)i go back to the marina and just idle off to the side and out of everyones way and wait.He comes cruising back in(with the radio blaring) and when he gets close enough he kinda waves.I yelled Do you have my ####### pole? and he then proceeds to turn his radio down and i yell it again and he just shrugs his shoulders and goes to pull in down to his slip.I beat it back over to my slip and tie the boat up and start walking over to confront him and i get about 3 isles away and i can hear his radio blaring from that far away and i can see through all the isles and different boats and slips that there was quite few other people so i lowered my temper and went back to my slip and tried to fish.Ended up with 5 crappie 1 white and a 3#LM on minnows.Went and cleaned the fish bout 11:30 and i could hear them hoopin and hollerin from 2 slips away.If im not workin im in my boat fishin.Our paths will cross another day and i hope its away from the marina.I wont do anything to lose my boat slip.I like everyone that works there and everyone else ive met there.ScottBRay you probably ran across the same guy i did(or a distant relative).Good luck fishing everyone.End of Rant
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