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  • Gender
  • Location
    St. Louis
  • Interests
    Like my name suggests, I enjoy fishing creeks more than anywhere else. Wade fishing is my real joy, but I will happily fish anywhere anytime.

Creekfisher's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Has anybody fished the Big River around St. Francois park? I was thinking of putting a canoe in at one end of the park and taking out at the other end. I will drive past it every day on my way to and from work and it seems like it could be a good evening fishing spot when it gets warmer...if there are fish
  2. I don't know anything about fish stocking. So my question is: why is stocking smallmouth harmful? Thanks
  3. What type of fly did he catch it on?
  4. Looks like a pacu to me. Google "pacu teeth" and see if they look like the fish's. I hope you didn't release it. I would be so excited to reel one in though
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