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lmt out

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by lmt out

  1. Thank you to everyone that served. It's truly a testament to the American resolve when you think about what our military men and women have done to protect our great country. I was in the army and most of the men in my family have served in every branch of the service except cost guard. Thank you for posting that video.
  2. So if a fella wanted to go try to catch a walleye tomorrow or Wednesday what ramps are open?
  3. Around 65 to 68
  4. Yes some times you see them on the graph. I mostly look for areas that I have found to be key locations. I was really surprised today with the weather and water rising so quickly that we did as well as we did.
  5. I fished from Mutton Creek to the Dam. In my opinion the water clarity was perfect. You could see a couple feet at mutton and maybe 3 or 4 at the dam Water was in the lower parking lot at Orleans marina
  6. Fished with my son today caught his first walleye. Ended with 11 shorts and 4 keepers. Jig and crawler. 20ft of water main lake points.
  7. Thank you for the kind words. It was a pleasure to fish with folks like you both. I'm glad we could find a few..
  8. lmt out


    Man thats a great job!!
  9. Had a trip today fished from 8 to 2. We had 7 shorts and 6 keepers bottom bouncing harnesses in 22 ft if water.
  10. Great job. I have not been able to get out but plan on changing that this up coming week
  11. Good job. Thanks for the report!
  12. My wife and I went on a snow goose hunt in Katy Texas 21 years ago and one of the guides had LMT OUT as his license plate so we got home and that was available in Missouri so we got it as ours. I was much younger then and thought that's what it was all about. My philosophy on hunting and fishing has changed over the years. But I still think it sounds cool and everyone knows me by it now so. Dont think I will ever change it. Decided to make it our logo. But I darn sure didn't lmtout today got my butt handed to me by the walleye.
  13. lmt out

    No love

    Well we didn't get skunked. Wife caught a bout 1 1/2 channel. Lol. That was it no walleye at all. Wind had us pinned to really just one area. Fished around mutton. Would have like to went up but didn't want to fight the wind. Water 58 to 60.
  14. Everyone thanks for the info. I am going to give it a shot in a couple hours. Give a report this Eve.
  15. Thank you guys think I may try to fight the Wednesday see if I can catch a walleye.
  16. Anyone been on the lake today? would like to get a surface temp.
  17. Thanks for the pics and congrats. Glad you got to go on a trip and a very good one at that. Always fun to hear stories of other lakes fished around the country.
  18. No a lake of the Ozarks fish.
  19. Thanks for the info I will give him a call
  20. Yes I always told myself if I caught a 10 lber I would get it mounted. But I decided 9.75lb was close enough. If anyone know of a good taxidermist let me know.
  21. Wow that is a monster. Was it spawned out? How did he catch it?
  22. Below truman dam 19 ft of water jig amd crawler.
  23. By the way I still have a terova 36 volt 101lb thrust trolling motor I would sell for $800. If anyone knows of anyone looking.
  24. You about ready to jump in the boat and see if we can catch a few?
  25. My personal best missouri walleye amd second best ever. 9lb 12 oz. 27 1/4 inch.
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