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Everything posted by hunter_3780

  1. In arkansas. Just south of the state line.
  2. I normally put in at cricket.
  3. Thanks 5bites I will have to check that out.
  4. No it's not a targa it's the pro team 185. It only has one livewell in the back and the pump went out. I'm replacing it tonight hopefully. It's a booger to get to. It's behind the gas tank and under the motor. My arms are bruised and scratched up from taking the old pump out but it has to be done.
  5. Well about two months ago I bit the bullet and bought a boat I ended up getting a 2001 tracker pt 185 with an 01 50 horse mercury motor. I have had the boat out about a half dozen times and other than the livewell pump going out it has been trouble free. Now I have installed a blue water led pro boat kit "which i love" and a hummingbird 798ci side imaging unit. I was watching Pete wenners fishing report and heard i could upload the mdc brush pile list to my graph. I have been in there website but can't figure out what to download and where to put it on the sd card once its downloaded. Has anyone done this on a similar unit that could walk me through step by step. Any help is appreciated in advance.
  6. Set three trotlines between long creek and state park Saturday night we had 50 hooks in the water and only had 1 7 pound flathead. Not sure whats going on right now unless there still on beds. The one we caught was a spawned out female with fresh scars all over her so thats my guess. I probably won't try again till after the 4th so maybe it will pick back up by then.
  7. Here is a few pics of the bigger ones we have caught over the last few weeks.
  8. We had been setting trotlines in that area up until last week and doing real well on the flatheads but last weekend they pretty well shut off. We think they have went on beds. Some friends of mine up around cape fair set 90 hooks in the water last night and only had 2 4 pounders. My suggestion would be to target channels off of flat pea gravel banks. Or wait about 2 to 3 weeks and target flatheads on steeper chunk rock banks or anything with ledges In the 6-15 foot range.
  9. So I have been reading alot about people catching fish on the red fin and found a good deal on ebay on a set of 5 chrome and black 5 inch red fins for 8 bucks with shipping. How are you guys fishing these and is there anything I need to do to them? Swap hooks or anything?
  10. Cricket creek marina sells minnows and is open on Sunday.
  11. Not far past the mouth of yokum creek. Heard report of some being caught way up it though.
  12. J-doc, I should be up long creek tomorrow as well. Not sure what time I will get to go but I'm gonna try to be there. I will be in a tracker pro team 185. If you see me swing by and we will swap lies.
  13. I put in at cricket creek marina Wednesday motored up cricket creek and couldn't by a bite. Pulled out of there and went up long creek and had a limit of crappie in an hour. We caught alot of short males on the bank but the big slabs were in 6-12'. I still haven't caught my first white this year. I'm not complaining because those big slabs are more fun anyway. I will post pics of some of the bigger ones we caught later if I can figure out how.
  14. What's the story on crappie up around cricket and long creek arms? Would like to get out tomorrow but no boat so ill be walking the banks. Just curious if there on the bank or if they have moved back out deeper. Also what else do I need to look for. I have the minnow trap full of minnows and wouldn't mind to catch anything that will bite. Any advise is appreciated.
  15. yes we have been catching shad. we have had more shad this year than ever. we were catchhing alot of whites and just a striper hear and there but now its like you just shut off a light switch. a guy i know went last night got out there late and didnt get shad till 3 or 4 am. he didnt catch a fish im hopeing we do better tonight but im not holding my breath.
  16. we are kinda second guessing where to go now. how deep do you think we should anchor? i figured with the surface temp being as high as it is we would need to be in pretty deep water. i honestly have no clue about any of this though.
  17. i was just told that a friend of my dads caught 5 last night between 20 and 40#s he tied up to the booies at the dam. do you think that is a fluke or would that be good place to be? we are in a little flatbootom boat with a 9.9 so driving long ways id out of the ?.
  18. ok my FIL, dad, and i are going to beaver this weekend to try our luck once again fishing under lights. we have been fishing point five the last few times we have gone but last weekend our luck ran out there. we had plenty of shad up but we didnt catch any fish. i have never had this problem on beaver and most of the time it is the opposite "no shad plenty of fish on the graph" now my question is do any of you guys have any suggestions on moving to a different location or trying anything different? i would love to fish beaver in the daytime but with temps exceding 100 degrees i think i will stick to the night. thanks in advance for any and all of your help
  19. i went to point 5 last night and we had a few shad up early but about 2:00am we had so many shad up that you could actually reach down and pick them up out of the water with your hands. we probably caught 100-150 2-3lb. whites, 1 10lb. hybrid, 1 18in. walleye, and a 17in. kentucky. thought about going back tonight but after getting home at 9:45 am, taking a power nap till noon and just now getting done cleaning fish i think i will wait till next weekend.
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