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Everything posted by will.isaac

  1. My buddy and I are intersted in fishing one of theses crappie slayers events. Was wondering how I get more info on them. thanks Will
  2. there was a small little park pond in KC area maybe three acres that they stocked with rainbow trout and people would ice fish it when it got really cold but I would not try it. most people would throw a cinder block tied to a rope from the bank to break it up and wait awhile and try to fish it threw the area they broke up enough with powerbait. I don't know if anyone ever fell threw trying to fish that place but I sure wouldn't walk on it or Stockton lake. I know people have done it before but not this guy.
  3. Fished for about five hours Sunday morning. Trolled around the lake for muskie. then tried whites, crappie, and walleye. Not one bite. I haven't been skunked all year. Im curious to know if the lake has turned and the fish are deep or just the front from Friday messed them up. Sure was a lot of baitfish deep on the graph. Any body have any luck this weekend. Thanks
  4. I can see the carp being food for sure. I caught a 39 inch last spring and I took it to the marina for a photo (wasn't aware at the time of how fragile they are. I know now). While I was at the marina I had it on a stringer in the water and the large carp went crazy when I put it back in the water. It was really cool to see. You got to respect a fresh water fish like that.
  5. Pruett I can see that. Last time I trolled for walleye I watched a few guys muskie fishing from a ways away and not 30 minutes later I trolled the flat were they once were and I saw a nice one come up within casting distance but I had all lines 150ft behind the boat. What do you all think the primary food is for them. Shad, bluegill, small carp? I don't want to get into the crappie debate. I have caught lots of 9inch crappie at fellows and a few that went 14, 15 inch. Thanks
  6. I have fished fellows a lot in the past few years. I have been lucky to catch a few muskie by accedent while I was walleye fishing and have seen many more come up to the surface. My real question is. Everybody knows were the weed beds are and how does that pressure effect the muskie fishing? I know its deep but the lake fishes small if you only target weed beds. It seems like every time I troll I see at least 2 or 3 boat casting big tackle for muskie on the deep beds. Thanks
  7. Fished turnback around 160 sunday and caught one bass. Then went down to O hwy and my dad lost a nice eye down there right at the bank. 100,000 cast and 50 jigs for one fish and a almost.
  8. looked like it from the air. went over the lake today at about 4000 ft. all the creeks feeding in the lake are looking dirty. you could see a huge differnce in water clarity from one end of the lake to the other. sons creek area looked dirty.
  9. I have a small 14ft v bottom that does well for me that i can launch in shallow boat ramps. is cc still to low and closed for use. thanks. sure will save me some gas if it is.
  10. last sunday myself and four others made the trip up 65 to try the dam. I tried jigs for walleye early. they were not generating any water and there was some sheet ice. I tried lots of different colors with no luck. then we tried for crappie with not luck. went into town bought some shiners and slip bobbers and nothing. everyone we talked to said they had been catching some eyes last week before the winter weather moved in. we usally do well up there but i didnt even get a bite. the water was low 40s. if we get a few warm days and the gen some water it will pick up im sure. but until then save your gas money. still had fun.
  11. thanks for the reply I have never been down there in my boat. my next question is. would it be better to put in at beaver or swan creek due to lake levels. and how is the jig bite for walleye right now? thanks again for the help.
  12. I was planning on giving the forsyth area a try in the morning. How is the upper end when its windy? I have a small v bottom that i fish Stockton with sometimes. Weather.com is focasting strong wind. thanks for the help.
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