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Zach Bearden

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Zach Bearden

  1. Im sorry ive not gotten it to ya yet, They are tied. I just have to get the postage and a package. I will have them sent to you possibly by tonight or tomorrow.
  2. Man, were coming over in November to fish Dry Run Creek. Its gonna be fun! *brrr* Were gonna be tent camping so thats also gonna make it even better! Maybe were going to be able to get a chance to get your daughter down there on one HUGE brownie! I got one that was 17" on my last cast! I told myself that after that fish it was an excellent way to have a good dream that night, and to always keep her in my memories as the last cast of Dry Run.
  3. Well its a good thing to know that a president of such a large fly fishing thing can cast! hha
  4. IDK Steve, I woulda gladly thrown one of them 8wts to get my distance!
  5. Yep, I finally got it to open on my laptop Thanks for all the congrats guys! I couldnt beleive that I hit that 70 ft target and got 300 pts! I practice my long casts so that I can get in them trees (in the water! lol) and catch the bass. Steve, that wind was killer! When you say the highest was only 26 was that an adult or was it a kid? I think I only saw one girl that made it into the ring. Ill try and post a couple of my pictures of my salmon flies. I finished that one off, it didnt turn out too good. The crests wouldnt match up, and just a couple of different things. You ever tie a fly one the tiemco 107Y? They are in odd #'s (11,13,15s) and have a black finish. Great to use for emergers and oldschool looking dry flies!
  6. Well, thanks guys but for some reason my computer wont open it! Could someone tell me what I did to get a congrats?
  7. wow... Them are some Mind Boggling big fish! Man, im ready to be casting my 8wt to them monstrous bucks! haha Now just what flies, haha Ill see you guys some time soon!
  8. Well, it wasnt as good as dry run but we went to Dry Run... and I caught a big ol brown that was full of eggs. I was walking upstream so that I could get that "perfect" drift... Its rather interesting without an indicator. I caught them all without an idicator on a fly called a Olive Flyph on size 14. Best fish was one tht I didnt even get in, beautifully colored brown trout. But for white river. Anytime I went down there they were generating and mom wanted to go to conclave so we went to conclave. I never got to see you Terry! Mom said that she saw ya, I didnt get a chance to. Hope I see you at the River Run Outfitters thing in 2 weeks. Well, it wasnt as good as dry run but we went to Dry Run... and I caught a big ol brown that was full of eggs. I was walking upstream so that I could get that "perfect" drift... Its rather interesting without an indicator. I caught them all without an idicator on a fly called a Olive Flyph on size 14. Best fish was one tht I didnt even get in, beautifully colored brown trout. But for white river. Anytime I went down there they were generating and mom wanted to go to conclave so we went to conclave. I never got to see you Terry! Mom said that she saw ya, I didnt get a chance to. Hope I see you at the River Run Outfitters thing in 2 weeks.
  9. This probably isnt something that you are asked everyday, but what about a popper slashed acrost the top of the water? You ever seen a fish attack one on the white? What about Crayfish patterns? I have one that I just cant wait to try out!
  10. Ive seen so people say use shot... but What I do with a SJW is however many flies your going to tie pull out that many beads thread them on the Micro Chenille and just thread the bead on on the hook then tie the chenille down then snip it to the desired length and burn tha ends of it. Thats my way around shot! lol
  11. Well Jeff I beleive asked my buddy Toby if he knew anyone that would like to tie for it because they were a little short. Toby asked me if I was going and told him yes I was. I got into contact with Jeff and he told me to find him at Conclave and we will set me up a time to tie! Im ready for it! Hey, at least I get to skip school this friday for it!
  12. *gasps* NOOO!!!!!!!!!! DANO!!! lol Well that bites.. I was kinda looking forward to meeting you! I was actually asked to tie there... I dont know yet though... I bet I'll see alot of ya there IF I do tie. It'll be fun either way!
  13. Great report! Just one question, was there any topwater action? Anything hatching? Thanks!
  14. I guess Id be getting some iron waders... I dont think those would be too comfortable or lightweight...
  15. Another thing, IF it had been in a hatchery runner then it probably wouldnt have had all the fins. In the picture it looks like it has them all. In our river the browns look almost exactly like that, just a little bit darker and some even have some red spots. Them browns are some beauties!~
  16. I guess I forgot to mention how I placed overall. I got 1st in men division with a total of 5200 points and placed 7th with everyone including the "pro" division. I won an echo rod (9ft 5wt) and a hat. It was really nice to get to meet all of the contestants that I was up against. Im looking forward to southern council! I hope the rest of you are in that to see how good our casting is compared to each other!
  17. Thanks for the Information guys!
  18. Well... I am under "strict training" for the tryouts for Fly Fishing team USA youth. I was wondering if ya'll would have a few good ways to fish nymphs without an indicator. I cant have shot or indicators because those are some of the rules for the competitions. I know that there are some ways in the still waters to fish unweighted nymphs and wait until they hit bottom the recast to cruising fish, but other then standing at an outlet and tossing a nymph indicator and shot rig I dont know anything else. Any kind of a teqniques would be great to learn about! Thanks!
  19. Oh ok, lol (I dont know much about the lake other than at the top of it at the dam and in Branson)
  20. Zander I may be misunderstanding you but if you were fishing above Fall Creek, to use a bait is Illegal. But I may be misunderstand where you are talking about.
  21. Ok, I guess that were just going to go to the state park. Thanks Guys!
  22. Mom and I are going to come up to Branson for some fishing. I was wondering where a good place to camp on the river. Were looking for a good place to night fish. We dont want to have to drive to the river everytime we want to go fishing. I dont know much about the camping on the river. I know that there is camping up past the dam. But I dont know anywhere else. Thanks!
  23. That fly looks great! looks really simple and really effective with them rubber legs. My proposal is to go with a madame X in black (cricket) and in Tan or green (grasshoppers) dont forget to put the foam in for the wing!!!
  24. I still dont understand them though. They wanted to learn about Broken Bow. Oh well though, at some point they're going to listen to somebody and come check it out. Ive actually found some fish midgeing one time and cast to them, I caught a trout about 4 inches long and had really solid par marks on his side. After he jumped a couple times the rest of them left.
  25. Sounds like a good day! Ive noticed the redds also and in the winter the rainbows are just stuffed with eggs. The Browns that ive caught have been about 12-16" and look like theyre about to just burst with eggs! I cant wait for the fall so that maybe somebody will take documented reproduction. Ive noticed it for the past 2 years but it would seem that nobody really listens to a 14 year old. (Lol)
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