Yep, I finally got it to open on my laptop Thanks for all the congrats guys! I couldnt beleive that I hit that 70 ft target and got 300 pts! I practice my long casts so that I can get in them trees (in the water! lol) and catch the bass.
Steve, that wind was killer! When you say the highest was only 26 was that an adult or was it a kid? I think I only saw one girl that made it into the ring. Ill try and post a couple of my pictures of my salmon flies. I finished that one off, it didnt turn out too good. The crests wouldnt match up, and just a couple of different things. You ever tie a fly one the tiemco 107Y? They are in odd #'s (11,13,15s) and have a black finish. Great to use for emergers and oldschool looking dry flies!