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Zach Bearden

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Zach Bearden

  1. Hrmm, I couldn't really follow that. O_o I did follow this though.. I don't start with the rod tip at the ground/water. I start it at the 9 position. Of course when I cast I ALWAYS double haul. If you don't you will get Tennis Elbow. I also don't do the whole 10 and 2 rule. I drop my rod tip on my backcast to around 3. My forward cast stops between 9&10. I get very high line speeds with my rods.
  2. Hey Rusty, Mind shooting me the email? Thanks!
  3. Its a piiiig!
  4. Thanks guys.
  5. Has anyone ever attempted to do this? I am going to study for it and take the test some day. How hard was it? How long would you recomend to study for it? Thanks in advance!
  6. hehehe Go look at FTF (fly tying forum) and look at some of the flies by some of the guys over there fishing blind eye salmon flies on double handers. Cant wait to get my spey rod! I'll be swing happy!
  7. http://www.rareandunusual.com/galway.html Has anyone ever tried to tye one of these?
  8. Hey dont forget to go and register on http://flytyingingforum.com If the link dont work tell me. The first time Im trying it. Great site and if you get into and certain kind then they have it on there. ex. Classics, realistics, salmon, dee.
  9. Sounds like its time for some black buggers!
  10. Definatley some interesting looking flies.
  11. Yea I know. Griff tied some good CJs last year!
  12. Well its time for the Annual One fly that the Tahlequah club puts on. Who knows what fly that we are going to use. Last year it was a Copper John. I think it is going to be a nymph. There are some nice fish up here by the dam right now. I like to use Maxima. High break strength and and it seems the fish cant see it as well. I use 2 and 3lb test and I can fish a big streamer on the 2lb and it wont break. So now for the details. It will be December 30th its a Sunday. 5$ will get you ONE fly and a lunch. Which was warm chili last year. You CAN buy more if you want to. You will need to be there by 8:30 and the competition will start at 9:00. I hope to see some of you guys there!
  14. Jack Who??? O_o Can't say that I've ever seen or heard of him. What do they look like?
  15. Good work! Thanks for that info Ronnie!
  16. Well I know that the use stuff such as Pink Pollywogs for Salmon and Steelhead. Maybe a VERY small Bomber while the trout are rising to midges?
  17. In January... Does anyone use any topwater patterns (floating Buggers, Mice, Surfboards, etc.). We are coming up January 19th for a day trip with our club and was just wondering what to fish in the C+R section.
  18. Just a quick question... Can I get and addy and how many do we need to tie and also due date please!
  19. Yup... Good place for nymphs! Had about 30 fish in about 2 hours on a size 14 Hares ear in a riffle there.
  20. Ahhh! I know who you are now! hehe sorry I guess the name just didnt click in my brain! Nah you didnt wear out your welcome at all. Did you catch any fish? I only caught three fish the whole weekend... There were so many people I couldnt even truly enjoy it. Ahhh! I know who you are now! hehe sorry I guess the name just didnt click in my brain! Nah you didnt wear out your welcome at all. Did you catch any fish? I only caught three fish the whole weekend... There were so many people I couldnt even truly enjoy it.
  21. Hi David, the river hasnt changed a whole lot. Marval has moved the river around and made two intresting little Rock Pier type things the go out into the river. Good fishing off of em too. As for the dam, not too much, there was one interesting little change made where they narrowed down the river and made a small channel. Youd need a heavy fly to get down to em' (suppose they are on the bottom as it is rather deep there). I havent gotten to go down in about 2 weeks and its driving me insane! Give me a PM and tell me when your coming down and I may be able to go fishing with you. Im not at all good with spin fishing stuff anymore. I just dont fish it. But if youve got a fly rod Ill be able to help ya out. This is really random but is earth 100% guarunteed circular? Just wondering O_o
  22. Hmmm... I'll go with a Callibaetis pattern that I come up with for a hatch that was here on our river a couple weeks ago. Though its just a basic dry in Callibaetis colors its fun to tye! hehe
  23. Ill be in I just won't know what I want to tye yet.
  24. I got mine when I came home last night. Good job everyone! sorry for not toe tagging mine. They were the Olive Czech Nymphs.
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