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Everything posted by Nightbrew

  1. I don't have any pics available at the moment but I can get some the next time I visit. He bought the boat and trailer new, sometime in the 90's. He put a 25hp 2 stroke merc on it, that he had on another boat. The motor is still on the boat but has not ran in years. I'm not sure of the year of the motor, and I also think it is a long shaft. I can get that measurements as well if needed. He is weighing his options to have the old motor gone through or get something newer. I know where you stand on that topic wrench. Thanks again
  2. Wrench can you be more specific?
  3. My dad has an Alweld jon boat. I think it's a 1748. He measured from the top to the bottom of the transom and got 16". I haven't had a chance to get over there and get a measurement from a straight edge from the bottom of the boat. That being said the transom should be less than 16". I assume this puts in the short shaft category? Any input is appreciated.
  4. Thanks Jacob. Can I park a truck the bridge? Or will that upset a property owner?
  5. Can anyone tell me if it is an easy walk from shelvin rock upstream to the first big corner hole? I don't know what that hole is called, google maps says turkey hollow. If someone knows it would save me a drive. Thanks in advance
  6. No worries all, again I have my opinions. I was looking at it from more of a "oh I forgot about that river/creek or stretch or whatever" and just a conversation. I agree with alot of you who said that some of your best waters are now degraded. And as for location Im open. Mostly stay within a couple hours of Springfield. Havent made it up to the Meramac, St Francois etc. And yes I do like the smaller crawdad imitations for numbers, also pick up more google eyes and the occasional larger fish. Thanks
  7. I should have guessed that most of the above responses would have the tone they do, seeing how this is the internet. Im sorry to those who felt I was asking for the location of the 21 incher who lives behind this rock, at the beginning of this pool, below this mile marker, on this river. Im not looking for your secret spot. This was supposed to be a nice discussion about some productive stretches of river/creek. I have my favorites, just thought we could all compare. Thanks to those who voiced a legitmate opinion.
  8. I would like to take a couple of friends from the kc area on smallie trip. My goal is to put them on alot fish, not really needing to catch a giant. Just hopefully good numbers of 10-15" fish to get the addiction started. So after some debate with friends, I thought I would open this conversation here. So what if your favorite stretch of ozark stream for numbers smallmouth fishing.
  9. Awesome, thanks Riverwhy. Thats what I was needing to hear.
  10. I didnt know about the map feature either. Thanks for sharing that with us. Now back to the original question, and I know its a matter of opinion, but how low is too low?
  11. Riverwhy, do you know of any landowners who are known to have issues with gravel bar campers on that stretch? Sometimes its hard to see homes through the trees until it is dark and you can see the lights from the house way up the hill.
  12. I can see how that would affect things. But north fork has its own gauge, and they both always show different readings. Are the gauges at the bridge?
  13. Hey guys I'm thinking of doing an overnighter on the bryant in a couple of weeks. Ive picked a couple of options but I need to what to look for on the gauge at tecumseh. As in if the gauge says this only float below this, etc. Im ok with some dragging just didnt want it to be a dragathon. Also what stretch is the best smallmouth fishing? Currently I was thinking bertha ford to hodgson mill or hodgson mill to cook access. Any info is appreciated.
  14. Thanks for all the helpful advice as usual. I just took the plunge and picked up a 16ft camper of craigslist. Maiden voyage this weekend!
  15. What cfs and or gauge height should the river be to float this section w/o too much dragging? Current data shows pretty good but the gauge is down at big piney. Let me know what you think
  16. Tell me if Im wrong here but the current cfs shows .31 Am I wrong in saying there is no flow in this river. Normal for this week shows somewhere from 10 to 20 cfs. Any advice? Also thanks for mentioning fiery fork and cedar camp. I see fiery fork on the river map, but can someone give me a mile marker estimate of ceder camp, thanks Nightbrew
  17. Guys, I have never floated on the little niangua and was wondering if it floatable now. Im ok with some dragging but would like to avoid a situation with more dragging than paddling. Any advice on a stretch? Might do an overnighter. If possible reference points/accesses mentioned in the paddlers guide as I am not familar with the local landmarks. Any advice is appreciated, thanks ahead of time
  18. Al, I agree that the kingfisher might be a barge going down the river. I did notice a wenonah today called the aurora. Judging by its specs, it might be the ticket.
  19. yeah, I have looked at the fisherman and was concerned about it being too short. There is the kingfisher 16'. I dont see any info from wenonah on the hull design ie flat, shallow arch, shallow vee. Al, am I wrong in saying that the shallow arch hulls have an initial wobble to them, more so than a flat bottom? thanks again
  20. Thanks again guys, Justin how bad are the buffalos? Any cracks, or has the outer layer gone by the wayside? I grew up in Gainesville, my dad could probably run over pick one up. Al, do you think mad river has a boat that would meet my standards? Still concerned about the shallow arch bottom.
  21. Chief, that forum would be great. Everyone has their own budget, but I just want to make sure I use my money as wisely as possible. Anyone have experience with stability standing with both shallow arch and flat bottom hull designs. I just assumed due to research I've done that the flat bottom is best for I want to do. thanks
  22. Al, you really think the guide would be more stable standing? I have concerns about the shallow arch bottom. I dont know if i have ever paddled one out of memory but dont they tend to wobble more, before the secondary stability kicks in? My unfortunate position is that there is no dealer locally, so I can not easily demo one. Thanks
  23. Need opinions guys. I have been looking for a new canoe for a while now and have been looking at alot of internet info. I would like to find a buffalo 16 but those arent showing up much nowadays. I have decided through research that the old town camper model is very similar to the buffalo according to specs. However the camper is available in a 15 or 16 foot model. Use will consist of 85-90% solo fly fishing while standing on local rivers and creeks. The remaining % I will take the wife on short runs to swim, picnic etc. I feel the 15 would be easier to manage solo, but I wonder if I would lose some stability due to less area making contact with the water. Or there may not be enough difference to tell. Any thoughts?
  24. Thanks Al. I didnt think that small amount of width would make that much difference, but thats why I am here asking. Standing in the canoe to fish is something that has recently become more important to me, as I have begun to fly fish more and more. It seems way easier to cast the fly rod standing than sitting. I appreciate all your info.
  25. Thanks again griz, I ended up pm'ing bobber last night and will wait for a response. Unfortunately I have been working w/Larry at OMTC and there is a long waiting list for buffalos, again due to the lack of production over the last 2 years. Hopefully bobber gets back w/me.
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