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Wet Dreams

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Sure sounds like he knew what he was doing and got what he deserved!!!!
  2. If I go I'll just watch some of the people making fools of them selves for a little while. Than probly go to the trophy area to have the whole river to my self. I don't know maybe I'll fish for a hour or two. nah Opening day makes me feel like I'm fishing in the stands at the super bowl! Also flyrods are not to friendly on opening morning
  3. water was not as murkey as I would have thought.Fishing tough not very many being caught.Only spotted 2 bigger fish, 5 1/2 and 5 lbs. Hooked the bigger 1 and got wraped aroung a rock-Snap.Than got the 5pounder, of corse came off.15 min later got the 5pounder again and my tippet cameoff.(time to go back to school Knot tying 101)Later I was working both fish again and with no sucess.Started talking to a guy named Mike(I think that was his name) has checked out the site a few times.I pointed out the bigger fish and told him to get revenge for me!He didn't want to crowed me but I insisted.Few min later he hooked up to the fish, over the falls it went and he landed it.I was glad to help set him up on the fish.Guessing 5 1/2 and 21in+ a quick release. Than boom it hit me I needed a picture for the site. I really felt bad when he said his boys would have loved to see it.But it made my day watching him get revenge on the fish that broke me off.Hope they read this so they know it wasn't a fish story.Gratz on the nice Bow.
  4. I went fishing today and stoped to get some food.Noticed Econo Lodge is next to I44 right on the ramp.It has a sign (High Speed Internet wired to Rooms) So I found a place for you!Not sure how much it cost or how nice it is, but right at St. James exit. Only 10min from the springs.Hope that helps
  5. Alot of the bigger fish you see beat up on the nose and head area is not from hitting the concrete walls.(some hatchery fish do have marks from walls) But from gathering food.Alot of larger fish will actually use their heads to flip rocks and move gravel in search of food.That explains why you see alot of big fish without a scratch on it's body but marks on their head.Some bigger wild trout like in Maramec River (trophy area) will actually chase crawdads and when they hide under rocks... Thats when their heads become a tool to help them catch their food.Hope that answers your ?
  6. Awsome fish, wish I came that morning liked I planned.(had to go to Stl this afternoon)Very rare to see a rainbow with that nice of color up that far in the park.My guess is she came up from the trophy area to drop her eggs.I think that is the most colorful bow I have seen come out of them waters.Noticed the bright orange color gill showing true spawning colors. Gratz
  7. I got my biggest fish ever, of corse with help from my net man Center Punch.He spotted the fish as I was working my way up to him, letting me know it was a monster!The fish was 30in with a 18 gerth, 12lbs. {Pictures below} About 1 hour later I saw what I thought to be 6 pounder kinda deep hooked into a fish and it took off like a rocket up stream jumping twice and darn nearly getting me into my backing.{8-10lbs fish maybe same size as I caught 1 hour before}Than it took a U-turn shooting back downstream so fast that I couldn't reel quick enough to take the slack out of my line.Thought he got off but still had him on for another min, than the he spit it. I have never been OWNED by a fish like that on my fly rod before,he had total control. Gave me a new meaning to the word POWER when fighting a fish! I thought about staying home because of the rain and cold, glad I didn't. (but I did sleep in, got there about 11:00)
  8. I'm going to try to make it, but not sure if I will. If I do I'll bring sausage,few different cheeses, and crackers. I'll even make it deer sausage if my meat is done, with some jerky. Here is a picture of my rainbow I got yesterdayaround 12 lbs 30in
  9. well I'll try to post the pictures, hope they don't take 5min per picture like Center Punch. I was solo so had to take the shots myself. oh ya, went fishing with Center Punch today Dec.20, got down their late about 11:00 of corse he was their at 7:30 like normal.I'll just sum it up quick---fishing was a Incredible Despite the rain and cold
  10. Water still not clear making sight fishing the big ones tough, but is getting better.I spent about 3/4 of my day walking around trying to find lunkers,not making alot of casts.In the early afternoon finally hooked up and landed a 5 1/2 pound rainbow. About a hour later got a rare brown 6 1/2 almost 23in. with the largest belly on any trout I have ever caught.I gave Center Punch the pictures to post, will be up later.
  11. Believe it or not, the rainbow did put up a nice fight for about 2 min. Than got into the swift water and didn't stand a chance.Well I was suprised I even had to fight the fish.I figured he would have acted like a fish flopping out of the water. (but in the water) Still find it hard to believe the fish looked as healthy as it did.
  12. last night i dreamed i caught a 29 inch brown and then i woke up. i had to change my sheets.
  13. Leonard, was wondering if you were fishing tonight? I would like to meet up with you. I'm the guy you ran out of outlet #2 at 2am in the morning.(joking) I did catch a few more that night with your advise.(never thought about using a snagging hook for the big ones Anyways I should be down around 9. I'll probly hide out at the rebar hole is no generation-1 or 2 if their is. Hope to see you. I'll be down for a few days.
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