I got my biggest fish ever, of corse with help from my net man Center Punch.He spotted the fish as I was working my way up to him, letting me know it was a monster!The fish was 30in with a 18 gerth, 12lbs. {Pictures below}
About 1 hour later I saw what I thought to be 6 pounder kinda deep hooked into a fish and it took off like a rocket up stream jumping twice and darn nearly getting me into my backing.{8-10lbs fish maybe same size as I caught 1 hour before}Than it took a U-turn shooting back downstream so fast that I couldn't reel quick enough to take the slack out of my line.Thought he got off but still had him on for another min, than the he spit it. I have never been OWNED by a fish like that on my fly rod before,he had total control. Gave me a new meaning to the word POWER when fighting a fish! I thought about staying home because of the rain and cold, glad I didn't. (but I did sleep in, got there about 11:00)