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  1. The Current was blown out and looked like chocolate milk today. It rained like hell sunday night.
  2. If I was coming from OKC I'd hit the Norfork of the White instead of the Current.
  3. I can't see that place being worth anything close to $269k. Zero privacy, the home is small, the quality of construction is nothing special, and I am pretty sure it's located in a flood zone. I am surprised no one has bought the campground across the way and subdivided it into a few building sites.
  4. The large number of minnows in the river seems to indicate there's plenty of "larger food particles" for the existing population of trout, so I don't understand why you insist on saying that reducing the trout population will cause the remaining fish to grow bigger than they otherwise would, resulting in a fishery with more large fish.
  5. The logic fails me. To me "put and take" and what that entails refers to the trout parks, not fisheries that are occasionally stocked with small fish that take at least several years to grow to something you'd want to catch. Actually, it might make more sense to keep fish from naturally reproductive waters. When I started fishing in the mountain streams lakes of Calif. we kept what we caught, but this was from waters that had very little pressure, and because of the large number of steams, it wasn't often that we hit the same stretch more than once. Just too many hiking trails and new water to explore. I guess what it comes down to-at least in our waters- is that a trout has more value to me in the water as something to possibly catch then it does on the dinner table. If I want to eat trout I can go to Costco and buy all I want for $3.75 a pound.
  6. Any thoughts on if the spinner boys had clipped the trebles of their Rapala's? I started out spinning but I still get annoyed when I see those guys out of the park.
  7. I counted 17 cars at Tan Vat on Saturday afternoon. I've never seen it so busy. A guy I spoke to briefly said he didn't see much catching. Way too busy for my taste so I didn't even bother getting out of the car.
  8. I have a 15' Hyde low-side that I would like to use on the White and Norfolk. To avoid the hassle of shuttling and to fish runs more then once, I am thinking about buying a motor. Is either a 6 or 8 hp enough to get me upstream safely when generating? I would like to save on weight so that's also a consideration. I am new to boat motors so are there any brands that can be recommended or avoided? I appreciate any guidance that can be offered. Thanks much and tight lines!
  9. I don't want to be nosey but my curiosity has gotten the better of me. Does anyone know the story about this place? Every time I drive by I wonder. Is there some huge lodge on top of the hill? Seems like the property must have been acquired long ago since it's so close to a federally designated river. On a related subject, I was checking out real estate within a few miles of the upper current. A small weekend house for the weekends until I retire and can spend more time on the river. I was surprised at how expensive the places are that I was checking out. Or maybe it's just the asking prices are unrealistic?. Has anyone else been shocked by the prices? Except for the cold Michigan is looking really good. Lots of property near good rivers. Prices have gone up from the low of the bust but are still reasonable.
  10. Please tell me the pastor wasn't wearing a pith helmet and his missionary outfit.
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