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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by snap

  1. Mark has no business in this conversation!!!
  2. snap


    All right.....I am finally over it and back to watching some good B'Ball!!!
  3. Brian is right with his 2nd post......You would best be served to camp near Turner as that would be near the half way point of this float. I might add that if you are planning on fishing much, that would be a real tough float since you would be floating nearly 12 miles a day. Just a thought!!!!
  4. snap


    ...Mizzou was doomed when that kid banked that 3 in during the first half!!!
  5. ...the asian carp aint pretty either!!!!..had one jump in my boat wednesday!!!!!
  6. ....My problem is that I cannot come close to catching a smallie on this river but cannot keep the trout from jumping in the boat!!!...go figure!!!
  7. snap

    Ok Boys

    What gets me about strength of schedule in Mizzou's case is that when they beat Illinois, Villanova, Cal and Notre Dame, it was very early in the year and they were all very good teams at the time!!! Any one who knows sports knows that teams get better or worse, they do not stay the same......IMO, SOS is a bit over rated since the committee only looks at the final product!!! and I do not see how any team in the big 12 this year could have such a low SOS ......that conference was tough this year......I mean, did anyone on this selection committee even see the tigers play??? if so, then look what they did to Cal, ND, Baylor, and Texas in the champ game.....for that matter thru the whole big 12 tournament...they embarrassed teams!!!!
  8. snap

    Tough Weekend

    Haith 3rd in voting for CONFERENCE coach of the year?????.....IMO, more support for sticking it to MIZZOU for bolting to the SEC!!! Here is a guy at the top of the list for NATIONAL coach of the year (according to every broadcaster on every telecast) and only 3rd in the conference!!! I expect this to be a rocky tournament for the tigers with no breaks from the officials coming close to going their way!!!!
  9. snap

    Tough Weekend

    Al, don't care if the y meet in the conference tournament finals......would like to see them meet in the NCAA finals though!!!!..wouldn't that be special???
  10. snap

    Tough Weekend

    cause your AD and coach don't want to!!!....LOL....
  11. snap

    Tough Weekend

    the tigers are taking it up the backside for leaving the big 12..............vs K state at home, how many clean steals were called for fouls, and then, how can that be a foul at the end of overtime and not be at the end of regulation???...and Robinson gets an oscar for falling down on that dunk that turned into a 3 point play to tie....!!!! It does the Big 12 no good for Mizzou to win the conference and then bolt.
  12. jdmidwest........you are right on with the crown valley brewery!!!....sounds like you have been there!!!!! btw, the point, in ste gen, has moose drool on tap for $1...............12 ounces...........!!! the only shady characters you will see in there would be one shoe and mark...........and, the regulars!!!!
  13. OK...I stand corrected!!!...Brian, will do better than a moose drool..................will get you a Big Bison from the local brewery here in the Eastern Missouri Ozark hills...if you like moose drool, you gonna love the big bison!!! Mark, you still get a moose drool.............and it is ABOUT time you got one of these debates right!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. "The quilt album" is loaded with great songs.....IMO...their best also!!!! "Beauty in the River" has that special twang ...picks up momentum as it goes...chicken train (simple and fun) standin on a rock, country girl, if u want to get to heaven,.....(.is a great harp song)!!!..my favorite is Black Sky, also has a cool harp intro and great lyrics......as in "its everything you do and nothing that you did"....
  15. eric...totally agree with your first paragraph!!!...emotions ran wild a bit in the second....lol...but you make some strong points!!! He had a chance to be an icon, something really special, by spending an entire career with the same team. He chose not to, so, ....his choice....still think the restraunt is St Louis ...from a business pov..doesn't have a chance and will close within the year!!! JUST BUSINESS!!!...no reason for anyone from St Louis to go there and eat!!!
  16. smallie...I ain't disagreeing with all you are saying, but, he did say "it is not about the money"....that is what I am having trouble with!!!!
  17. I am confused...I heard him say it is "not about the money".....apparently it is about the money!!!! The Cardinals did everything they could to keep him St louis for his entire career. When his contract came up, they offered him a very good deal....he decided to try free agency. They then countered with 10 years at 220.....c'mon man, where's the loyalty???!!! They may as well close the doors on that restraunt in St louis and blow the statue up that sits in front of it!!! IMO......
  18. I have really enjoyed watching MIZZOU ...their half court defense has been outstanding and selfishness also!!! My concern after/during the Villanova win is their use of only 7 players. Bowers is a huge loss and somebody is going to have to fill the void!!! Agreeing with Al on the alma mater....they could have their best team in quite a while!!!
  19. little late to the party, all I have is one thing to say.....there is beauty in the river, there is beauty in the stream, there is beauty in the forest...!!! gotta love em!!!
  20. ...deer season, rifle season that is, ends tomorrow!!!
  21. ...my, how things change!!! did not know the forum had a "sports" ...read all the posts from the beginning. LOL...will just add that I was at games 1 and 7 in 82 when we did the brewers in the first time...standing room only for $7. cannot even think about going now for the price!!!!
  22. ...snagging , therefore means, "covering lots of river area in short periods of time"..yes...very effective!!!
  23. ..OK..I'll nibble!!! glad to see you had a good trip, and that you got on the river earlier than usual. Also, I might add that I always catch a lot of fish with delvis too. Might be something to that , heh???
  24. Another walk in spot to wade not mentioned would be Mcdowell access....between Turner and Whiten....accessible off CR 161 through Wilderness. Spent time a few years back with lots of action. Rocks were slippery, but the fishing was excellent before 10AM and after 5PM.
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