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Everything posted by Danfromwindsor

  1. Where abouts in Ohio? My wife has family in the Ohio/WVa/Penn triangle.
  2. Where do you usually put in?
  3. Occasionally I might be seen with a largemouth or two :-) They are on their summer pattern which for me is jig,worm or creature bait during the day and early mornings or evenings topwater has been producing a few smaller fish. My bigger fish are coming off a crawdad imitation plastic,pumpkin color with chart tipped claws dragged off the edges of the creek channels where chunk rock is visible on the bank. Ive also had a few on a old Storm Rattlin Shad Rap chrome/blue back cranked off the banks around cover near drop offs.
  4. Just found this forum and hope to share and learn from it. I've lived most of my life near Truman and grew up with a fishing pole in my hand. I can remember the lake before they closed the gates on the dam and let it fill up,I was about 5 at the time. I fish mostly for crappie but chase bass as well. Occassionally I fish for carp or channel cat. See ya on the water!
  5. Ive been going in the late afternoons/early evenings on Truman due to my schedule. Ive found that a little after 730pm the bite starts to pick up after the lull from the hot daytime. Ive done very well fishing minnows on a slider jig approximately 15-20ft in the hardwoods just off the creek channels in current breaks. A little wind seems to bring the fish upto the 12-15ft range but calm water they seem to stay down nearer 20ft. The typical water depth where Im fishing is approximately 37-40ft. I fish between Long Shoals and Windsor Crossing,lately nearer Long Shoals. Limits have been the rule with averages of 10-11" with several in the 13-15" range. Have fun,use sunscreen and above all stay hydrated!
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