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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. I've never used alot of dries at Taney,however here at home(I live in between the Maremec and the Current)my go to dry fly has got to be the elk hair caddis. Carl.
  2. I'll be fishing from Friday night through Sunday evening. My brother(centerpunch)can't make this trip. Does anyone want to meet up? Carl.
  3. I've tied several for you. I think one of my new philosophies is "wind equals white". This being winter in Mo. I think it might be a little breezy. I'm going to try to do this trip on the cheap. Does anyone know of a bargain basement,whole in the wall,dirt floor,cot in the corner,or worse type motel. This $60.00 a night thing kills me. If anyone knows of anything,I'd appreciate it. I'm heading down the 30th. If not,me and the Nissan Frontier are going to get to know each other alot better.
  4. Sounds great gang. Count me in.Carl.
  5. Here's another one caught 12-2-06,10:00pm,6'6" 2# rod,on a topwater skate. Carl.
  6. Hey gang. A little sidenote on the bow that my brother posted here,yeah caught it on a 6'6" 2#.Kinda like my avatar pic. Caught on a 7'6" 3#.Hey no one ever said I was sane. Thanks little brother for posting the pic.See you all later. Carl.
  7. Hey Leonard. Great fishing with you again. Centerpunch will be posting my rainbow because it's on his camera. I'll let him leave the report because he types better and faster than I do.Until the next time,Carl.
  8. I firmly believe in flourocarbon.Leonard firmly believes in maxima. It's whatever you're comfortable with. I went to flourocarbon and never went back. It works for me. Leonard loves his maxima(yes we all know he's a little odd,hooting at the owls and running from the beavers) :)But look at the fish Leonard catches. It works for him. Try different things. If you want keep improving don't be afraid to step out of your compfort zone. Carl. See you Friday Leonard. .
  9. Sounds good. 10:00pm it is.Better bring some chapstick for your rod.It's gonna be a cold one.Have a good week,see you then.Carl.
  10. Centerpunch and I will be down Friday evening through Sunday afternoon.I've made up some new nighttime goodies I want to try out.Let us know if you want to meet up.Carl.
  11. Here's another nice one that centerpunch caught.25",8#.Little brother smoked me on the big ones today.
  12. I'm researching the East Gallatin.Hoping to go out there in the next year.Found alot of good info online.Wanting to here from someone who's acctually fished it or any other good wadeable water on the way to Montana.Thanks in advance. Carl.
  13. Yeah.We went for three days last week.As you can see,we started to get the hang of night fishing. Carl.
  14. Here's another one I caught.Centerpunch had nothing to do with this one.He went up to take a break. But I must say little brother knows what he's doing.1:30am,white woollie,rain,= nice fish.
  15. Don't let centerpunch kid you,he'll go fishing with me again.
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