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Jim G

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Everything posted by Jim G

  1. Made it out yesterday - went to Watts. Ended up getting 19 to hand, lost probably another 15 or so. Virtually all hit on size 18 black midge w a black head; didn't get anything on olive bugger when I switched over for a bit. Most action was from 9 until noon or so, got pretty slow through the afternoon. Fished all the way down past the gravel pit, but best action was right up by the parking lot. Very low flow. The fish are looking real nice - nice bronze color with deep red on the gill plates and lateral line.
  2. Thinking about going over to LIR tomorrow but flow looks very low and looks like no releases for at least the last 4 days. Has anyone been in the last few days with any luck?
  3. Do you all keep to the same midge patterns/tactics for the browns or change over to stripping wooly buggers, etc? I was down two weeks ago and like what most folks have been saying - was very slow. They didnt generate that day or the day before. 5 or 6 fish all day. Couldn't get a drift and couldn't ever get to a consistent bite on anything. Main thing of note was guy that put in upstream of me for a while (I was about a mile south of Watts) who was stripping a olive wooly bugger and hammering them on every cast. Fortunately for the safety of the fish population, I conveniently had not carried anything like that out and the fish were not similarly tempted by me.
  4. Thanks - got to looking closer and figured was a reasonable walk from Marval; will give it a go next time I'm out. Get anything of size out of that section?
  5. Hey guys, Pretty new to the forum and the area. Very nice pics. Assume the 'blue ribbom' section is the area behind the commercial gravel pit that I understand they dont allow access through anymore? Wondering if anyone knows if you can access from the other side of the river? On google maps I see a road that comes in off Moonshine Rd - Bootleg Rd - that appears to go straight to the river and would be extensiion of the rd that goes through the gravel pit on the west side; anyone know if that is public access to the river down that road? Thanks!
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