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Everything posted by benalt

  1. It looks like the blue is pretty high and murky with the rain, too
  2. I've been watching this, too. Looks like the lake's been loosing about losing about a .1 - .25 inches per day, and that they've pretty much been running the dam at full capacity. Even so I would guess that it's not going to be really wadable by memorial day, which is a bummer. Just my guess, tho - I'm not able to see beyond the numbers online. It might be really crowded, especially memorial day weekend, but the Lower Mountain Fork might be your best bet if you've got trout on the brain. The Blue River has some really nice river fishing, though I wouldn't bet on getting any trout at this time of year, mostly bass and sunfish from what I've caught/heard. I've done it as a day trip from OKC, but there's also some really great camping right on the river that you might want to check out. There's a yahoo group that has some good maps and info about the various sections, if you're interested.
  3. Great report! Good to hear that things are doing well, despite the low water.
  4. AHH. Thanks for the intel from the ground! I'll keep an eye on it.
  5. According to the OFW, Tenkiller Dam won't be generating for the next few weeks: http://www.wildlifedepartment.com/fishing/fishne.htm#Lower_Illinois I guess I'm still new enough to fly fishing to not be able to read between the lines there - does this mean low flows/low water/slow fishing, or something else that I can't quite see?
  6. yeah, when the wind was blowing it was a little tough. It was only bad for a little bit. I couldn't say if it's better or not to use a strike indicator in those conditions. I was using a mix of football strike indicators with a double nymph rig and small dry flies with nymphs attached to the hook. The former seemed to get a few more hits, but the latter was MUCH easier to cast in the wind, and seemed to have a better drift.
  7. I was there on the 2nd-3th and had some spurts of luck - everything I caught was from the gravel parking lot below the dam. I had the best luck in the glassy pool right below the little island there - caught maybe 5 or 6 both days. I'm still a novice fly fisherman, and don't have a full grasp on all of the intricacies of the sport, so take what i say with a grain of salt. The trout were sipping from the surface in the mornings, and I caught a few with a little green nymph with a parachute that was up in the film. Also had a lot of luck with gray/blue and black emerger nymphs, like size 20/22. I got a couple with a size 18 bead head pheasant tail , and had a couple of takes on a San Juan worm, but pulled too hard when setting the hook (still not used to the super light tackle)
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