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Thanks a lot guys. I've got a lower level Simms vest I've had for several years and I've not really longed for anything better. But now I think I have "vest envy" LOL. Greg
Drama? What drama? Seriously though that's what makes this site so entertaining and informative. Sometimes there are disagreements but so what? It's just fishing after all not life or death. I agree there is a lot of information to wade through but once you know the site it's really not that difficult IMHO. I really don't know how the site could be done better. I even enjoy the non-fishing topics like the one Phil started regarding stem cell research. It was very informative. Regarding members showing their bigger fish and telling about the good times they've had - I think that's great. I enjoy things like that. I've been "guilty" of posting and showing some of the better fish I've caught and telling about some of my better days. But I don't look on that as trying to prove how great I am and don't view others posts that way either. lbt - would you want Phil to try to control the content of what is posted? There are some sites that operate that way. Sites where the administrator jumps in at the slightest sign of trouble and even at times threatens to kick someone off the board for some imagined infraction. Do we want that here? I certainly don't. Greg
I've experimented quite a bit with bead head midge patterns. Different bead colors, thread color, and ribbing. That one is one of my favorites. I didn't know it was an actual established pattern though. Just goes to show you there are very few new things out there just variations on a theme. Greg
RiverRunner I don't own either but I have looked at and cast both of them. So my .02 is that they are both fine rods. I think you would do well with either. In my opinion the professional is a little bit faster rod (in action). But I think both cast very well. I would buy on the basis of if you want a 4 or a 2 piece rod. Or if one rod appeals more to you visually. Personally I like the green blank on the series one but the reel seat is kind of plain looking. On the professional there is a fairly sharp looking graphite reel seat with matching gunmetal hardware. Greg
Fished this evening at Taney from about 4:30 PM to 7:30 or so. Really had a tough time. Only 3 fish brought to hand and no real size to those. I did break off several as well due to a leader problem. I've just been having a really tough time the last few outings. A lot different than last fall. Just when you think you've halfway got it figured out...... Greg
Terry I'm curious what you said about the little red (cow shoals) not fitting your fishing style? I've always wanted to go to the Little Red but haven't made it yet. Maybe it's not worth the 3 hour drive for me? Greg
Terry that's too bad about the knee. You didn't do that wading/fishing did you? If so that's scary. I've always thought fishing was fairly safe. I quit playing pickup basketball 7 or 8 years ago because I had several friends go down with torn ACL's. Greg
Wow that's an awesome fish. Greg
I very very rarely ever fish the outlets. It just doesn't seem that fun or sporting to me. So I'm not defending the practice. But I do fish that north bank below outlet number 2 sometimes. So I occasionally do watch the outlet fisherman. I would have to say that based on what I have observed they are not all "snaggers". There are a certain # of them that appear to fish it legitimately. Just an observation, Greg
I don't know this for sure - but I don't think the hollow core of most fly lines runs the length of the line. I think it is broken up into sections so that if water gets in the whole line doesn't fill up with water. Again I don't know that for sure just that I think I remember reading that somewhere. I also don't think the hollow core is what makes most lines float. It is the microballoons in the coating. Although the hollow core may help. Greg
Dave You'll probably never what it was for sure. But an armadillo would be my guess as well. Years ago my wife and I were taking a walk in a kind of remote trail at Disney World in Florida. We heard this awful racket behind us. It kept getting closer and closer. Eventually the culprit came into view and it was an armadillo. Things like that can kind of spook you. Especially at night. A couple of times I've been fishing Taney after dark and one of those herons came up behind and let out one of those horrible squawks they make. Thought I was going to jump out of my skin. Greg
Terry - I would also like to thank Phil Lilly for the way he runs this board. There is one particular very popular fly fishing board where the site administrator jumps in at every chance and either shuts down or belittles anyone with an opinion he does not agree with. If you dare to disagree with him (even respectfully) - he sends you a PM telling you that you have a negative attitude and threatening to kick you off his board. Sounds unbelievable but it is true. Running a forum like this can't be easy. I'm sure it has it's rewards but plenty of headaches as well. I think our OAF site administrator has it right. Greg
Has anyone ever thought that us catch and release advocates serve another purpose: They probably allow other fisherman that like to take a few home for the freezer to do so - at least in some heavily pressured areas like Taneycomo. Think about it: If every trout fisherman on taneycomo kept every fish they caught - what would happen to the fishery? I'll bet it would not be long before the bag limits were cut back severely. And on the other hand - if it were not for the people that catch and keep the lake might eventually be over run with smaller fish. Obviously the bag limits are set up so that both sides kind of balance out. Also with the bigger fish - If there were not a significant portion of us releasing most every big fish caught on the upper lake - Upper Taneycomo would not be the big trout paradise we know and love. I'd also be willing to bet that the gentleman that caught the big brown that spurred this debate - I'll bet his particular fish was caught and released several times before he caught it. It was maybe even caught a time or 2 after it was legal (over 20") and released thereby giving that gentleman the chance to take it home to be mounted, eaten, whatever. Greg
Thanks Terry I didn't know there was a separate thread. Greg
Dano I had to laugh when I read your post on this. Because in thinking about it - I have to admit that part of the reason I don't ever keep fish anymore is precisely what you said. I don't like to mess with them either. And just like you I simply don't care that much for fish as table fare. I also have to admit that a couple of winters ago when I caught my personal best trout (26" bow that was not just long but incredibly fat) I was sorely tempted to take it home. But I didn't. I revived her and sent her on her way. Greg
Terry how was the conclave? Greg
Tightline - if you are meaning how do you make paragraphs in an individual post then all you have to do is hit enter a couple of times. It does break up a long post and make it easier to read. Greg
Snagged and Murdoc I agree with you both almost completely. When I was younger I kept almost all of the fish I caught. As I've gotten older I think I've come to realize that our rivers and lakes are precious. And also come to a knowledge level of what it took for that bow, brown, bass (or whatever) to get to 20". Personally I just can't imagine keeping a big trout or bass. I have no negative feelings at all about someone keeping the smaller fish. But when I see a big fish caught I can't help but be sad that no one else will enjoy that particular fish. It doesn't mean I would resort to calling that person names or confronting him or her. It's just a feeling and an opinion. Funny story that relates to this: Last year at Taneycomo I was having a great day at the rocking chair area. A group of younger people were sight seeing (not fishing) and stopped to watch me for a while. They watched as I caught fish after fish and gently released them all. Several of them were pretty good sized as well. After a bit one of the young women (she was late teens to early twenties) came up to me and said "why do you let them all go?". I explained that I just liked to catch them not keep them. She then said "What's the point then?" I then tried to explain to her that catching them was the point. That when people golf or play tennis or whatever - they don't take a trophy home or even anything to eat. I tried to explain that the activity itself was its own reward for me. She smiled but I don't think she got it at all. Greg
The handwarmers are a great idea. Thanks, Greg
There's a difference between being a C&R advocate and "zealot". The advocates didn't say anything wrong in my opinion. They're entitled to their opinion too. Greg
This is a good topic. These last 2 years were the first that I fished through the winter. I can stay warm everywhere even in the coldest weather except my hands. On a lot of days I stop early for just that reason. I have some fleece gloves with the foldover mitts. They work pretty well but like Terry says once they get wet... I might try the wool gloves in milder weather. But in the really cold weather - nothing seems to work for me. I've been told that neoprene works well when it is really cold and keeps working even when wet. Does anybody use neoprene? Greg
I'd be interested too. I've actually built a couple of rods but I wasn't really satisfied with the results. Both rods fish pretty well but my wraps and epoxy work wasn't that good. I'd like to learn from someone that really knows what they are doing. Greg
Did anyone ever post a fly recipe for the peppy scud? I've heard the name but not seen the recipe. I would be interested. Greg
I see your point about it being a remote location. But I would argue that roaring river is pretty close to the same and there is a nice fly shop there (Tim's fly shop). Also I personally did not mean to put down the park store or the employees there at all. For what it is the park store is pretty good. But it's not like a fly shop that caters to fly fisherman. Greg