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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. I'll check it out. thanks! EXPPYF3MH4KE
  2. F&F- I want to get out and chase these stripers but I'm limited to my river boat with no electronics. I'm familiar with the area you've been fishing but it sounds like most success is dependent on finding marks. Is there any surface activity to key in on this time of year?
  3. The guys at Toad Fly in Conway guide the Little Red. I haven't fished with them but they've been putting some great videos out.
  4. LED lights on the trailer. The boat is a 42".
  5. What do you mean by JS mold?
  6. The handrails are the same as those on the Shawnees. I've been told these were made by the former owner of supreme with the old mold they used before they went to the rolled edge.
  7. Boat and trailer are in great shape and ready to fish. All you need is a 9.9-25HP and you're ready to go.
  8. I'm looking for an EZ Loader for a 20' 48" river john. Brad@bio-tech-pharm.com
  9. I do feel bad for you guys trying to wade on those lower flows, I was with you until buying my boat last year. It seems that every boat runs from rebar hole on up on the outlet side of the river instead of giving those waders a little room. I know the channel runs over there but there's no reason most boats can't run mid-stream at least through there. A no wake zone would be nice up there but I think it could start at the boat ramp as opposed to outlet #3. Most of those boats would shut down there as opposed to running at low speeds the rest of the way. When I started boating on the rivers I had several questions relative to boating etiquette specifically on tailwaters. There aren't many resources available but I did locate a great post on another regional fly fishing site that answered most of my questions. We could start a thread here with the un-spoken rules of the river to help any new/uneducated boaters out.
  10. What's the sentiment on here relative to wakes on the upper end of Taneycomo? I understand that it is Lake Taneycomo and every make and model under the sun is out there but you can at least minimize your wake and effect. Twice on Sunday I had a gentleman charge through the area around the top boat ramp throwing a wake close and large enough for me to take on water on my river boat. I've never had a wake come close to coming over let alone make it in my boat. He was running a conservative 2/3 throttle needing a trim. I said something to him the second through time since he started his drift 50' upriver of me. He asked "what he was supposed to do" while throwing his arms in the air. He was a gentleman from then on out running as most would on the river I would imagine at the urging of his wife who was along for the ride. It did get me thinking though how close I was to getting swamped and how many non-boater boaters there are out there. Anybody out there ever sunk a river boat due to a wake? I would imagine it would take quite a wave to get it done.
  11. Charlie's cottage is my favorite place to stay. It gives you access just upstream of the handicap access. http://www.norforkcabins.com/charlies/
  12. I looked at that google earth image first and it looks like a ghost town but I could see getting there and the lot being full. Living in Fayetteville I've never flown out of Branson but you can't beat the cheap southwest fare and a fishing trip on top for the drive.
  13. I'm picking my daughter up Saturday morning at the airport and we're planning to spend the day on Taney fishing as her payment for a week in Dallas. Is there plenty of parking available at the Branson Airport so that I can find a double parking spot to park my truck and boat trailer?
  14. Do any of you guys have any cabin recomendations on Beaver Tailwaters? I called Spider Creek and they're booked for the weekend. Just looking for a one night rental for Saturday night for my wife and I.
  15. I would plan for lower flows on Saturday as all of the lakes are on the verge of being back into the power pool. I would expect little to no generation in the am with generation coming on with the heat of the afternoon. Any push of water will get trashy and does clear sooner towards the dam but the higher water is behind us and most of that crud will be cleared out. I plan to hit the area below red's and maybe Norfork on Saturday. I'm hoping to throw foam all day.
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