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Calwood kid

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Calwood kid's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Awesome. Ill give it a try. Thanks basshunter
  2. Can you drive to rivercut and walk the banks around the course if you're in the streambed, or do they frown on that?
  3. Trying to upload a few pics of a few of mine between 130-175. Can you upload from an iPhone?
  4. I still say the tall tines near the bottom of the beams are brows. They look to be over 8" each, and he just forks up top. From my experience that looks like a deer well past prime. In the 2nd, and especially 3rd photos, you can see his ears pinned back to his head, which is probably the confusion on the brows. Most deer pin their ears back during a swim, much like they do when they're at a full run. Still say its a 120" 6 point. But if he were on my callaway county farm he'd be illegal to shoot due to the point restriction. But he is the epitome of a management buck. I say shoot. Easier to ask forgiveness than permission sometimes
  5. Awesome photos. That Is probably one of the nicer bucks in that area, but not 140. Not even close. He will be lucky to hit 120 seeing as he only has 6 points. Impressive brows, though. I built a retaining wall in the emerald beach subdivision this past winter, and would see literally 40-50 does per day, all in family groups. Hardly saw any bucks, but the ones I saw were decent 2-3 year old deer. There just aren't big deer down in that neck of the woods, compared to other parts of the ozarks. I've seen several 140-155 inch bucks around Greene county, but they're rare, even rarer down around the lake. Better move north, fellas.
  6. Looks like a panther nest to me...
  7. Shooting small bucks absolutely does not make for bigger bucks or better genetics. Theres no such thing as that. The only two factors you can control in a wild population are age, and nutrition. Genetics are out the door. In fact, does contribute more to antler characteristics in a given population due to their unlikelyness to travel or roam like bucks do. Seeing as how most people in mo hunt the same farms each year, they usually hunt the same family group of deer each season. this is not to say that in a heavily managed area, such as mine, there aren't "cull" bucks, because they most definitely are. But, those deer are generally the ones doing less than 5% of the breeding either due to their immaturity or even from their elderlyness.
  8. Do you catch the goggle dyes up the river arm mainly? On crawdad crankbaits?
  9. Cut all the Red meat out (obvious), soak in salt water for 24-48 hrs. Draining once. Take the fillets and coat them with lemon and garlic pepper, also use some cajun shake if you like a little spice. use a half stick butter cut into slices and place them between fillets. Bake at 350 for 15-18 min or until done and serve over you're favorite rice. I usually cook asparagus along with it. Put the filets on a cookie sheet or Corningware dish. Tastes pretty darn good to me
  10. Hey Archdale, isn't there a big green canoe in your old mans shop?? Don't be trying to hornswaggle the other competitors.
  11. Thanks again. In familiar enough with the area and have enough local buddies to go down to galena the next time I get a chance and try and snag a few. Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.
  12. Wayne- thanks. My buddy and I have heard about that hole and were talking about it yesterday actually. I grew up in Fulton. Graduated there in '03. Family has a farm NE of Fulton about 8 miles, just outside calwood. The auxvasse creek runs through about 2 miles of our place. Decent smallmouth in the right places. more largemouth and kentucks though. More stained water, good flathead. The auxvasse flows into the Missouri river about 10 miles below our place. Our area is better known for its deer than its bass, in my opinion. Thanks for the info I'll have to check that out a soon as I can.
  13. Im fairly new to the area and the forum. I grew up in north central mo fishing the rivers and creeks up there, got pretty good at it, and am looking to do the same down here. I've learned how to find the smallies and kentuckies in the James without much problem. But, I keep seeing that guys are getting into some crappie on the James. I'm getting pretty interested in the whites too. My question is, how is the crappie& white bite up around Delaware town? I'm able to fish other/lower sections of the river, but Delaware town is closest to my house. Any info is appreciated. Thanks guys
  14. You'll find them in the current just below the deep holes. Caught 19 today and the best ones were burping up shad. Use shad imitations and let it sink. Give your baits some stop and go action. Worked well for me.
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