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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I have a few questions also. Is the store open during C/R? Do you have to buy daily tag? Is there still a horn that blows to signal begin and end? I have intended to go several years but have never made it, hoping to get there this year.
  2. Heading to northern Minnesota Sept 8-12. Anyone ever fished this lake? I know they have walleye, pike, muskie and smallmouth. Any advice on how to fish this lake and tackle to use? I have never fished for walleye, pike, or muskie and have no idea what bait/lures, line size to use. Any help will be appreciated.
  3. Thanks for all the information. Can't wait to get on the river. I'll be tying flies from now until the trip!
  4. Thanks for the info. Can anyone tell me where I can get a recipe for a snail pattern or who sells one?
  5. I've never fished the Spring before and am planning a trip on the last weekend in August. Anyone have suggestions for flies/jigs to use this time of year? After reading several posts here and in other forums, I assume that Lasseter and Bayou accesses are only places to wade. How far up/down stream is accessible for wading at these accesses? Thanks for any info you can give.
  6. Going next Tuesday. Never been during C&R season. Does everything work the same as regular season? Still have to buy tag and the horn blows at beginning and end? Also do you know what time they open the gate and let you in the park?
  7. Wow, what a response!! Looks like everyone is in agreement about 2 sizes larger. Now to decide on what brand to buy. Looking for waders in middle price range, maybe $150-160. Has anyone tried the Cabela's dry plus? Thanks Terry Beeson for the Itinirant Angler website. Looks like alot of good info there.
  8. First of all let me say that I've read this forum for a long time and have gotten very good information here. So I figured it was time to join and ask for some advice from the many experts here. I am in the market for a new set of waders and have decided to buy stockingfoot instead of the bootfoot style I have always worn. I am also going to try the breathable this time. Since I have never had stockingfoot before, my question pertains to the size of boots I should buy. Do I get my normal size or do I have to go larger to compensate for the stockingfoot on the waders. Are the feet thicker than normal socks? Any help would surely be appreciated.
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