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BassDaddy's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. What is your favorite crank bait to use on Stockton for bass, whites or walleye: make, model, size, depth, color?
  2. What is Pommes current wake level?
  3. what colors are working best on the Rapala ice jigs?
  4. Fellows lake is further south and has musky.
  5. Bass fished today from seven till three with a good buddy. We caught about three limits worth of keeper bass although our five biggest were only 16 inchers. Caught keeper bass on C-rig & jig but caught most of the fish on a swim grub once the wind picked up and rain was in the forecast. Caught fish anywhere from 4 to 10 feet. Also, had a keeper walleye, crappie and catfish. Spoke to one old boy who said he had a limit of bass on spinner bait. Said five biggest keepers were 17 inches but only weighed 11 1/2 pounds. Water temp in the low to mid 60s. What more could you want? Mother Stockton was a generous, indeed.
  6. There was a good turn out at the Andrew Sherrill Benefit Tournament today on Stockton, 38 boats. Randy Conlon and Wes Darnell won with over 16 pounds and a big bass over 7lbs. Good job men, and they deserved it. Randy hauled up his tournament weigh-in trailer and preformed a weigh-in of professional quality. It took 14 pounds to get in the $$$. Great prizes were given away including gift certificates, a drill, rods, and a rod & reel combo. Lots of fish were caught and guys had a good time. I appreciate everyone who participated and sponsored this event. Sponsors included but are not limited to Bolivar Insulation, Meeks, Metro Appliances, Southern Supply, Southern Materials, Wildcat Materials, Wildcat Tool Rental, Percell Tire, HBA of Greater Springfield, Springfield Blue Print, Fin & Feather, and Sportsman Factory Outlet.
  7. The Andrew Sherrill Benefit Tournament is at Old State Park on Stockton Lake. Take off is schedualed for June 8th, 2013 @ 7am. Entry is $60/boat, 2 anglers per boat. Entry at the ramp is allowed. 1st pays $500, 2nd pays $400, 3rd pays $300, Big Bass pays $100, and draw prizes will be given away. All prizes will be paid in gift certificates to Fin & Feather, or Sportsman Factory Outlet. All entrys paid will go toward the Andrew Sherrill Relief Fund. Tournament committee consists of Kevin Clingen, Kevin Brown, and Tom Nave. Weigh-in will be run by Anglers in Action tournament director, Randy Conlon. Pay out is funded by generous sponsors including but not limited to Bolivar Insulation, Meeks, Metro Appliances, Southern Supply, Southern Materials, Wildcat Materials, Wildcat Tool Rental, Percell Tire, HBA of Greater Springfield, Springfield Blue Print, Fin & Feather, and Sportsman Factory Outlet. Andrew was diagnosed with Leukimia on January, 30 2013. He has undergone 4 chemotherepy treatments and will be reciving a Stem Cell transplant on June 5th and will be out of work for 6 months. Please, consider fishing this benefit tournament for a lot of fun and to help Andrew in time of need. Please, contact Kevin Clingen with any questions. (417)839-1567.
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