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About boz

  • Birthday 09/06/1962

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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. I thought I would take advantage of Lilley,s special on lodging and get some last minute shopping done.Sunday afternoon was overcast and rainy,not much wind.I threw a jig for a bit with no takers.I resorted to trolling and caught two small trout down by the landing,The next day I motored up tp fall creek and drifted down to trout hollow with two units running.Fishing was slow, I managed to land one trout with numerous short hits.Hopefully my next trip will produce better results.
  2. I had been waiting for a break in the weather,so I could go to Lilley's and do some trout fishing.I arrived Monday and I was on the water by one o'clock.I motored down to Monkey Island and started throwing jigs.The trout seemed to like the lighter colors and I was having luck ginger patterns.I caught a number of trout,but nothing of any size.Tuesday morning opened with heavy fog.I had to wait until eight o,clock before I could head out.They were running water,so I motored up to the dam.Fishing was slow,until I drifted past what I call the old clay banks.I started picking up fish,and it was steady down past lookout,again lots of fish but nothing of any size.After lunch,I went down to the landing and trolled for a while,I picked up a few fish but nothing big.Towards evening,I fished with jigs by Bass Pro .I picked up two chunky white bass and two largemouth,the one going about three pounds,man it was fun!What a great trip,I can't wait to get back!
  3. Finally got a chance to make it down to Lilley's for some much needed trout fishing.I took a couple of friends that have never been to Taneycomo.We arrived Tuesday around noon and settled in and got the boat in the water.It was a beautiful sunny day and warming up nicely.My buddy's were pleased with the weather but I knew that high skys and no generation meant slow fishing.I kept this info to myself,and put on a positive face.What else was I to do?We motored down to the landing and jig fished for a couple of hours.We probably caught maybe 3 or 4 fish.It was time to troll.I put on some rogue crankbaits and we trolled the landing area for the rest of the day.It was fun,we laughed and joked and caught quite a few fish,even hooked a couple of largemouth!Well,it was back to the cabin to grill some ribeyes and relax.The next day,I was hoping to take the guys up to the dam and drift down.As luck would have it,they were not running the water.We did motor up to look out and we jigged the area down to Fall creek.The wind would die,and so would the fishing.The wind would pick up and we started catching fish again.Our biggest was a nice 17 inch rainbow.We caught around 40 fish between us and had a great time.Sadly,we had to leave on Thursday,but I think my friends had a good time,at least they said they did!I'm looking forward to going back this winter real soon!
  4. I took advantage of the fisherman special and came down Tuesday afternoon.I survived the night and woke to the after math of the storm.Without going into details,just thankful that no one was seriously hurt, and I know the people of Branson will bounce back from this quickly.That being said,on wednesday morning we got a late start.The water was still running so we went up to the dam.We had a great time catching chunky rainbows on jigs.Olive and brown and peach were working well.After the clay banks the fishing slowed down and it was slow to Fall Creek.Wednesday afernoon found us trolling down by Powersite Dam.We caught a lot of fish but only a handful were decent.As usual,I had a great time at Lilley's and I look forward to coming down again soon.
  5. This is another mid-week report to add to knucks report.We arrived at Lilleys sunday afternoon.After getting squared away,we put the boat in and headed up to the dam.It was a great day,temp. was in the 50's with a light wind.We reached theam and started fishing 1/8 oz. jigs.Fishing was good and we picked up 10 fish down to the clay banks.All were good size with the largest being a fat 15 incher.We fished down to Fall Creek and failed to pick up more fish.With darkness coming on,my partner and I headed back to the cabin to eat dinner and compare notes with the rest of our group.Monday morning was overcast but dry,a perfect day to fish.They were running 2 units so it was back up to the dam.Again we picked up decent fish using jigs all the way down to lookout.We started picking up more fish between Fall Creek and Short Creek.After lunch we motored down to the bridges and tried our luck there.The trout were not hitting the jigs,so we trolled for a couple of hoursand picked up a few fish.It doesn't seem like the lower lake is holding many fish.The rain came in Monday night and moved out by morning.We were blessed by good weather and great hospitality by Phil and Curtis and the rest of the gang.Again it was up to the dam Tues. morning.They were really hitting the jigs and my biggest was a nice 18 inch rainbow.As you all heard from knuck,his partner hooked a keeper over 20 inches.Fishing was good until we drifted down to Lookout.The stretch between Lookout and Fall Creek was slow all week which surprises me.Iguess that area isn,t holding fish at this time.Sadly, we had to come home on wednesday.The weather wasreat for our trip and the fishing experience was excellent as usual at Lilleys.I cant wait to go and do it again.
  6. All right ,that's it, I'm coming out of the closet.I like to catch gay bass! Please don't judge me,I have problems.But I never whine like a spoiled brat if the fishing is slow.
  7. Trav, hope to see you at the buddy tourny,I,d like to meet you.It's at the end of the month.I hope your lady comes through the surgery with no problems,and everything will be all right.As far as eating crow,sometimes that's a necessary evil!Again, good luck and hope to see you there:Boz
  8. phil, I liked the drift, it looked like something big moving at the end ,maybe a big brown?
  9. Trav, are you really that good?I tend to think you are exaggerating your skills.I say put your money where your mouth is and fish the next tournament.,If you place,then kudos to you.If not,then my suspicions are well founded and oxymoron does not describe you.
  10. Trav,good to have you back.I've missed your reports and your wit.Looking forward to picking your brain.
  11. boz is back
  12. Thanks for the fishing report! Went down to Pomme over the weekend and fished for Bass. Boy was it slow! The fish would pick up but drop the worm instantly. I guess the lake was dropping too much .I did catch a good walleye trolling crankbaits on the flats,so it wasn't a total wash. Good to hear that the crappie are biting,I'll keep that in mind when I go down again.
  13. Thanks for the info,I know they're drawing the water down every day,I hope that it doesn't affect the fishing too much.In any case ,it's good to get away!
  14. Hey Knuck, maybe no one wants you to know about the lake conditions!Just kidding,Pomme is a well kept secret and I'm glad that it doesn't get the exposure that it deserves.I too' am going down this weekend and some rports would be nice to have.I never hear about the crappie fishing or the bass,hopefully someone will read this and tell us something.
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