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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by WebFreeman

  1. You're probably better off w/o my buggers anyway. They're pretty ugly.
  2. Phil, are you still needing flies? I know you're leaving soon, but I was going to tie some up if it's still a need.
  3. WebFreeman

    Bbq Sauce

    Don, how often are you adding fuel to the fire? are you using an upright water smoker or a horizontal w/ the offset firebox?
  4. The boards are the flood gates on powersite. I guess they have charges on them and they literally blow them A-Team style if they need them open. I think Phil told me they were 4 ft high. So even though they were running 3 generators, it's not are high as it would be if they the boards were up. The water has a green color to it, but when I was fighting that brown, I could see him 8 or so feet down. So it's not murky in that sense. Someone who's been there since me might be able to answer better. I know they're still catching a mixed bag at the dam. I wish I would have gotten up there.
  5. I was down w/ my girls (3 & 6) Memorial day week. I'd say you could anchor from Lilley's downstream. I didn't boat much past fall creek. I was in one of Phil's pontoons and all the ruined props he had around the resort and marina made me nervous. :-) We caught a few down toward the bridges w/ powerbait on drift rigs. A lot of people were anchored, but I found drifting more effective and the fish more or less hook themselves. I caught a good brown (for me anyway--17 inches) just a couple hundreds upstream from Lilley's on the bluff side bouncing a jig on the bottom. I'd say bring the boat for sure. I think you could make it upstream pretty easily, judging from other posts. Again, I didn't want to risk the boat and I've never actually boated up that far, so I wasn't at all familiar w/ the water. They ran 3 consistently when we were there, though I guess the boards are still gone at powersite, so that also impacts water level. Hope that rambling answer helps.
  6. Dan, it took you 6 minutes to reply on a glass rod. I think you're slipping.....
  7. That is a beautiful stretch--about the prettiest I've ever seen. I've camped at Jim Bluff before. We had hiked down from Compton I think to Hemmed In and then crossed the river to Jim Bluff.
  8. The water from L. Spfd goes right down the James to TRL and picks up a lot of stuff along the way.
  9. Yeah, something was deleted. Good fish, though. Ozark Baby, can you give us some details?
  10. Great report, Jim. We'll be down in a couple weeks. Any tips on fishing w/ a 3-yr-old? I'm gathering all the advice I can get!
  11. I kept waiting for the punch line, but... I don't think they expect it. I think I would only tip someone I actually pay. My accountant, lawyer and doctor all have receptionists. Doesn't seem like the right setting.
  12. Bill kind of alluded to it in this post yesterday. http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?s...c=11474&hl=
  13. Yeah, but it's the home stretch. A few more days and it's all just a memory... and for, stacks of papers to grade.
  14. 26in and 7 lbs for a rainbow seems pretty steep compared to the others. Guess that's why it's "master".....
  15. I wear a regular pair of Tevas. I think they were designed for/by white water rafting guides. The soles are flat, so if you get a rock, it either washes right out or just give it a shake. I like them because you still get good traction on the bank. Felts soles and a muddy bank don't mix well for me. You can spend a lot on them, but I got found some on clearance somewhere. Come to think of it, I got them for our honeymoon, which was '99, and I still wear them.
  16. I teach Eng 101 at night. Last class tonight. Now just a boatload of grading.
  17. Nice. that's going in the gallery!
  18. I'll be there tonight from 7-815 in 117 and 830-945 in 107. I'll say hi if I see you tonight.
  19. My thought--lakes are for fish and pools are for people.
  20. Very nice. I need a pedestal. How's class? Did I see you in the NKM building around 7 Tuesday?
  21. Sounds like fun and it does beat work.
  22. Mike, can you introduce us to your friend? I need a friend like that!
  23. Not to get into a theological discussion, but I don't think God had anything to do with it. It was, as you say, an accident. But judging from the times I've floated the bufflo, not a freak accident. People flip their canoes all the time, even experienced floaters. The risk was avoidable. We all make choices everyday that are life and death--changing lanes, speeding, did you take your meds today, etc. I knew I shouldn't have read the link. I have a soon-to-be 7-yr-old, and the thought of losing her in such a horrific way was plagued me since Monday. We'll be down on Taney in 2 weeks and this story has definately made me rethink where we're going the day we spend on the boat. I am responsible, not God, the fates or anyone else.
  24. Cornbread = good. I could almost live on it. Cornmeal = ehh. So am I a hybrid yankee?
  25. Thanks for the report. When you're doing the powerbait on the jighead, how heavy are you going?
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