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big blue fever

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    fishing hahah

big blue fever's Achievements

Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. you can still fish there right? what kind of fish are there
  2. how do you get to masters from bolivar
  3. theres drum in pomme de terre where at
  4. what flies do you use iv always wanted to try that i bought a fly rod a couple of weeks ago
  5. Wheaties? no ive never tried that what do you do and does it work better than corn
  6. corn worms minnows and dough bait
  7. with the big ones just gut them scale them cut them into strips and fry them its easy and good to eat
  8. I know some of you guys dont like them but i sure do haha anyone know where alot of carp are im want to catch some pretty soon
  9. what bait works best at the dam
  10. haha yeah i didnt really belive him thanks anyways
  11. A buddy of mine told me you could catch trout at pomme de terre is this true?
  12. Anybody no if pomme de terre has any carp or stockton i love carp but i dont know where there at i used to fish in forsyth but i moved any help will be much apprcieated
  13. you cut them open ,good luck, take the big long piece of meat from its back it looks like a tenderloin cut it up and fry it
  14. so its just 13 all the way down
  15. where can you snag at osceola iv never been
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