Floated Kerr to Y-bridge yesterday. I didn't do any fishing, to many people for me, but my buddy did. It seemed like almost every cast he'd hook up. They weren't nothing to come home and brag about but still a sold bite.
In the winter, for every 10 to 12 incher I catch, I have to sift through alot of 6 to 8 inchers. Im not a fan of keeping the little ones (not enough meat). That being said, im not a fan of keeping the 13.5+ either. I figure, if I throw it back some kid might catch it.
Im glad some nice fish are being caught. Good work.
Ive only been out a few times this month. About three weeks ago, I did good on crappie. I went back last week and couldn't get a bite. It seems since april its been hit and miss for me.
I can say this, its been busy on fellows. Im surprised there hasn't been any posts.